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Carolus von Linneaus mid-1700’s Determined levels of classification Binomial Nomenclature.

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3 Carolus von Linneaus mid-1700’s Determined levels of classification Binomial Nomenclature

4 Levels of Classification: 1.Kingdom – largest group 2.Phylum 3.Class 4.Order 5.Family 6.Genus 7.Species – smallest group

5 Classification of the house cat Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Carnivora Family – Felidae Genus – Felis Species - Sylvestris

6 Classification of Humans Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Primate Family - Hominidae Genus - Homo Species – sapiens BIOLOGICAL NAME = Homo sapeins

7 KINGDOM mONERA Bacteria Prokaryotic cells unicellular E. coli Spirillum

8 Kingdom Protista Eukaryotic cells Most unicellular Protozoa Algae

9 Kingdom fungi Eukaryotic cells Most multicellular Absorptive heterotrophs decomposers

10 Kingdom Plantae Eukaryotic Photosynthetic multicellular

11 Kingdom Animalia Eukaryotic cells Multicellular Ingestive heterotrophs

12 phylum Porifera Pore-bearing Sessile sponges

13 phylum Cnidaria Stinging cells Jellyfish Hydra coral

14 phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms Tapeworm Fluke

15 phylum Aeschelminthes Roundworms

16 phylum annelida Segmented worms

17 Phylum mollusca Soft-bodies Some have shells

18 Phylum echinodermata Spiny skin Radial symmetry

19 Phylum arthropoda Jointed legs

20 Phylum chordata Most have backbones

21 Monotremes Egg-laying mammals Platypus and Echidna (spiny anteater)

22 Pouched mammals Marsupials

23 Placental Mammals Young are nourished by placenta before birth.

24 The end

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