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Fall of Rome Rise of Byzantium.

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1 Fall of Rome Rise of Byzantium

2 I. Fall of Rome The 3 Heirs to the Roman Empire
It became clear that no one empire could rule the Mediterranean world Byzantine, Islamic, Western European Each developed it’s own culture, religion, and language soon becoming rivals for the old “Roman Pond”


4 Christianity Constantine became the 1st Christian Roman Emperor: gains power from Christian Church Western Rome suffered from Barbarian invasion Christianity filled the power void People cling to institutions, once the Roman government is gone, what is left? The Church

5 Who replaced Rome as the Power Center in the Mediterranean?

6 II. Eastern Rome

7 Advantages of Constantinople
Connected to Asia, Europe and Africa by trade routes Protected by natural features on 3 sides Protected by mountains and Sea’s Control of ALL trade moving from Asia to Europe Heavily influenced by Rome

8 Justinian and Theodora
Expanded the Empire Attempt to reclaim Roman territory Head of both Church and State Huge building projects Hagia Sophia “Justinian’s Code” Code of Law Base of most Western law today

9 Byzantine Empire After Justinian






15 Fall of Byzantium Invasion of Seljuk Turks
Crusades: series of Holy Wars: Byzantium asked Western Rome for help Western armies sack (invade and rob) Constantinople Turks take over Byzantium and re-name the capital Istanbul

16 III. Western Rome


18 Germanic Tribes When Western Rome Falls Europe splits into individual tribal Kingdoms Biggest = Franks (modern France) Eventually Frankish King Clovis will Convert to Christianity; gets support from Rome; unifies kingdoms

19 Carolingian Empire Charlemagne created a large empire in central Europe Crowned himself a Roman Emperor (300 years AFTER Rome collapsed) The IDEA of Rome will continue to Dominate the rest of European history

20 Holy Roman Empire The Holy Roman Empire
Charlemagne begins the tradition of a Germanic King, crowned King of Rome, by the Pope = The Holy Roman Empire (Charlemagne was 806: Otto I considered the first Holy Roman Emperor in Empire continues until 1806)

21 Feudalism After Charlemagne's death empire gradually shrinks
Divided among sons Barbarian invasion (Magyars, Hungary, Vikings) Need for protection leads to the creation of self sustaining manors= feudalism Viking Song

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