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Leaflet Research Clear and bold title of leaflet: to inform the audience of what the leaflet is about, which should encourage people to read the leaflet.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaflet Research Clear and bold title of leaflet: to inform the audience of what the leaflet is about, which should encourage people to read the leaflet."— Presentation transcript:


2 Leaflet Research Clear and bold title of leaflet: to inform the audience of what the leaflet is about, which should encourage people to read the leaflet. The title also attracts attention, to grab the attention of the potential reader. Company name and logo: to clearly show the audience who has produced the leaflet, who the information is about and to give some idea of what will be included in the leaflet (e.g. “mezzo” inflight entertainment, so the leaflet will be about inflight entertainment) Appropriate images: pictures to suit the theme of the leaflet and the company’s image. These will attract the audience to read the leaflet and make the leaflet look nicer Bright and clear images: to attract the attention of the reader and encourage them to read the leaflet

3 Leaflet Research Appropriate title: tells the reader what the leaflet will be about (attracting the audience) Catchy title: using alliteration, the title will attract the attention of the audience and entice people to read it Appropriate image: to attract the attention of the reader and give information about what the leaflet is about. Contact information:

4 First Draft Side 2 Side 1 The website said:

5 First Draft The website also specified that there must be: Side 1

6 First Draft The website also specified that there must be: Side 2

7 First Draft Feedback: + appropriate colour scheme, to match the logo + included relevant information (such as contact information) + colour of text stands out well against the background - Add more images to make the leaflet more appealing to the teen audience

8 Final Draft Side 1 - Using the feedback I received on my first draft, I edited the leaflet design. My feedback told me that colour scheme, information and style of text was all appropriate, so I kept these things the same. My feedback also told me that I should “a dd more images to make the leaflet more appealing to the teen audience”, so I added the images of waves to each page to make the leaflet more interesting and continue the theme I had in my other publications.

9 Final Draft Side 2 - I also changed the background colour of the animal name titles to white, as this made the next stand out more and made it easier to read.

10 Final Draft: Feedback: + appropriate colour scheme, to match the logo + included relevant information (such as contact information) + colour of text stands out well against the background + appropriate images (waves) make the leaflet appealing to the target audience (teens) + titles stand out

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