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Dana Eisenbeil & Bomi Son Second Grade Science Frogs are amphibians – Cold blooded animals – Gills to lungs Metamorphism Life Cycle of Frogs – Egg –

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2 Dana Eisenbeil & Bomi Son Second Grade Science

3 Frogs are amphibians – Cold blooded animals – Gills to lungs Metamorphism Life Cycle of Frogs – Egg – Tadpole – Tadpole with legs – Froglet – Frog

4 A frog lays her eggs in the water or a wet environment – Eggs attach to leaf or stem – Eggs split to form more eggs – Eggs collect to form frog spawn Photo Source:

5 Tadpoles come from hatched eggs Tadpoles have gills Tadpoles have NO legs Tadpoles use their tails to swim about their environment Photo Source:

6 During this stage, tadpole matures and develops – Forms front and back legs – Tail is still intact to assist in swimming – LUNGS begin to develop Photo Source:

7 Froglets legs and arms are more defined Tail is smaller Transition from water to land – Froglet explores dry land Froglet is dependent on oxygen to live and breathe – Lungs are fully developed Photo Source:

8 Webbed fingers and toes – Makes moving on land and in water easy Sticky tongue for catching food Full grown adult frog Photo Source:


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