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The life cycle of a frog. Frog spawn Frogs lay their eggs in water or wet places. Frog spawn is a floating clump of frogs eggs. Frogs eggs are covered.

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Presentation on theme: "The life cycle of a frog. Frog spawn Frogs lay their eggs in water or wet places. Frog spawn is a floating clump of frogs eggs. Frogs eggs are covered."— Presentation transcript:

1 The life cycle of a frog

2 Frog spawn Frogs lay their eggs in water or wet places. Frog spawn is a floating clump of frogs eggs. Frogs eggs are covered in a jelly that protects the eggs and is to big to be eaten.

3 Tadpoles The tadpole has a long tail and lives in water. The tadpoles body is camouflaged and relies on it’s camouflage to survive being eaten by water animals. The tadpole always faces a danger of being eaten by water animals.

4 Getting bigger After five weeks the tadpole changes. After five weeks the tadpole changes. It starts to grow hind legs and behind it’s head it get bulges were it’s front legs are starting to grow. It starts to grow hind legs and behind it’s head it get bulges were it’s front legs are starting to grow.

5 Froglet Over time the tadpole sheds it’s skin and lips it’s mouth gets bigger it’s tail gets shorter and it’s lungs begin to work. Over time the tadpole sheds it’s skin and lips it’s mouth gets bigger it’s tail gets shorter and it’s lungs begin to work.

6 Adult frog Eleven weeks later the tadpole becomes a frog. Eleven weeks later the tadpole becomes a frog. The frog lives mostly on land and will go in for an occasional swim and it starts to eat insects and worms. The frog lives mostly on land and will go in for an occasional swim and it starts to eat insects and worms.

7 The life cycle of a frog Step one the adult frog lays eggs covered in jelly. Step one the adult frog lays eggs covered in jelly. Step two the eggs hatch and tadpoles emerge. Step two the eggs hatch and tadpoles emerge. Step three the tadpole starts to grow legs. Step three the tadpole starts to grow legs. Step four the the tadpole sheds it’s skin and lips it’s mouth gets bigger. Step four the the tadpole sheds it’s skin and lips it’s mouth gets bigger. Step five adult frog. Step five adult frog.

8 By Ruan And that is the life cycle of a frog. And that is the life cycle of a frog.

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