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GREEK TRAGEDY Aristotle - Poetics. Aristotle Greek philosopher Student of Plato Teacher of Alexander the Great Writings include many topics: physics,

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Presentation on theme: "GREEK TRAGEDY Aristotle - Poetics. Aristotle Greek philosopher Student of Plato Teacher of Alexander the Great Writings include many topics: physics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GREEK TRAGEDY Aristotle - Poetics

2 Aristotle

3 Greek philosopher Student of Plato Teacher of Alexander the Great Writings include many topics: physics, logic, rhetoric, politics, and theatre (poetics – literature) His ideas shaped medieval and Renaissance thought

4 Concept of Tragedy Found in Poetics Tragedy is the “imitation of an action that is serious or the imitation of an action of a higher type.” Considers the noble Considered highest form of literature. Should arouse pity and fear – aim of tragedy Should be instructive” Learn from other’s mistakes

5 Comedy “…the imitation of an action of a lower type.” Considered inferior to tragedy Exploits of average people, not heads of state (classical sense) From Aristotle to Seinfeld, laugh at the incongruous, the ugly What makes us laugh?

6 Comedy vs. Tragedy Tragedy is for the boardroom or the battlefield Tragedy is ennobling (makes us stronger). I suffer; therefore, I am. Comedy is for the bathroom or the bedroom (human sexuality) Types include banter slapstick the mixup malapropisms – “It was beyond my apprehension.” “That was a real cliff dweller.”

7 Comedy

8 Elements of Tragedy 1. Reversal – someone of great stature takes a fall (reversal of fortune) 2. Flaw – in the Greek – harmartia- fall is due to an inherent problem in character; for Greeks this was commonly HUBRIS

9 Elements of Tragedy, con’t. 3. Suffering – I suffer; therefore I am. 4. Discovery – through suffering, the character finds out the error of his ways, yet it is too late to change events (Know thyself.)

10 Elements of Tragedy 5. Catharsis – a cleansing of emotion, a purgation, a purification for the audience. Audience is able to identify with tragic character. Vows never to commit such an act. A good cry

11 Tragic Elements- 6. Resolution End of action; the problem has been solved; all wrongs have been righted.

12 Resolution Also called the denouement The exodus In Sophocles, the resolution involves making peace with the gods.

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