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2 As a result of events like this, what occurred that altered the landscape of the United States?
A. People constructed dams to irrigate land. B. People abandoned farms to move westward. C. Urban areas experienced a decline in industrial production. D. Suburban areas experienced a growth in commercial activity. 5C PROFICIENT DOK 2

3 As a result of events like this, what occurred that altered the landscape of the United States?
A. People constructed dams to irrigate land. B. People abandoned farms to move westward. C. Urban areas experienced a decline in industrial production. D. Suburban areas experienced a growth in commercial activity. 5C DOK2 PROFICIENT

4 During the first years of the Great Depression, banks failed at an alarming rate. In 1933 Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Banking Act, which protected consumers by prohibiting banks from engaging in both commercial banking, which involved many loans, and investment banking, which involved brokering sales of stocks and bonds. The summary above describes a major banking reform. Which statement provides an analysis of how the Glass-Steagall Banking Act affected the economic system of the United States? A. It reduced the number of banks that qualified for federal deposit insurance. B. The act encouraged among financial institutions for investment. C. The act increased the level of government regulation of private businesses. D. It slowed economic growth by discouraging consumers from investing in stock. 6A DOK 3 Advanced

5 During the first years of the Great Depression, banks failed at an alarming rate. In 1933 Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Banking Act, which protected consumers by prohibiting banks from engaging in both commercial banking, which involved many loans, and investment banking, which involved brokering sales of stocks and bonds. The summary above describes a major banking reform. Which statement provides an analysis of how the Glass-Steagall Banking Act affected the economic system of the United States? A. It reduced the number of banks that qualified for federal deposit insurance. B. The act encouraged among financial institutions for investment. C. The act increased the level of government regulation of private businesses. D. It slowed economic growth by discouraging consumers from investing in stock. 6A DOK 3 Advanced

6 6B What was the intention of making the Federal Reserve an independent agency that would report to Congress? A. To avoid political perspectives influencing monetary policy. B. To avoid government deficits affecting C. To maintain accountability for government spending. D. To maintain influence over political lobbying. 6B DOK 3 Proficient

7 6B What was the intention of making the Federal Reserve an independent agency that would report to Congress? A. To avoid political perspectives influencing monetary policy. B. To avoid government deficits affecting C. To maintain accountability for government spending. D. To maintain influence over political lobbying. 6B DOK 3 Proficient

8 How do government projects such as the ones in the photographs above signal a shift in United States domestic policy? The government began addressing safety concerns by imposing construction standards. The government began confronting labor shortages by recruiting foreign laborers. The government began accumulating debt to ease economic difficulties. The government began selling electricity to ease urban shortages. 6D DOK 3 PROFICIENT

9 How do government projects such as the ones in the photographs above signal a shift in United States domestic policy? The government began addressing safety concerns by imposing construction standards. The government began confronting labor shortages by recruiting foreign laborers. The government began accumulating debt to ease economic difficulties. The government began selling electricity to ease urban shortages. 6D DOK 3 PROFICIENT

10 Why would the cartoonist show business afraid of the tariff?
Business expected a drop in imports. Businesses expected a decline in credit. Businesses assumed an increase in prices. Businesses anticipated an increase in competition. 6B DOK 3 Proficient

11 Why would the cartoonist show business afraid of the tariff?
Business expected a drop in imports. Businesses expected a decline in credit. Businesses assumed an increase in prices. Businesses anticipated an increase in competition. 6B DOK 3 Proficient

12 In 1897, when artist Frederic Remington wired William Randolph Hearst that all was quiet in Cuba, Hearst reportedly sent the following wire. What does this story indicate about the role of United States newspapers at that time? A. They were dedicated to accurate reporting. B. They were vital in conducting foreign diplomacy. C. They were concerned about international opinion. D. They were important in influencing governmental policy. 7C DOK 3 Proficient Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.

13 In 1897, when artist Frederic Remington wired William Randolph Hearst that all was quiet in Cuba, Hearst reportedly sent the following wire. What does this story indicate about the role of United States newspapers at that time? A. They were dedicated to accurate reporting. B. They were vital in conducting foreign diplomacy. C. They were concerned about international opinion. D. They were important in influencing governmental policy. 7C DOK 3 Proficient Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.

14 As a result of the Spanish American War, which constitutional dilemma confronted the United States government? Should imports from former Spanish colonies be duty free? Was quartering of troops legal in the Philippine Insurrection? Were military trials justified during the Philippine insurrection? Should people in former Spanish colonies be granted citizenship? 3A DOK 3 Proficient

15 As a result of the Spanish American War, which constitutional dilemma confronted the United States government? Should imports from former Spanish colonies be duty free? Was quartering of troops legal in the Philippine Insurrection? Were military trials justified during the Philippine insurrection? Should people in former Spanish colonies be granted citizenship? 3A DOK 3 Proficient

16 During the early 20th century, progressives and traditionalists had strong opinions about Prohibition. Speaker 1: Prohibition is an example of a Progressive Reform, and I support it. Speaker 2: Prohibition will preserve our traditional values, and I support Based on these statements, which conclusion about Prohibition can be reached? Progressives believed that Prohibition would end the traditional social outlook. Traditionalist believed that Prohibition was a fundamentally modern movement. Prohibition was an issue that distinguished traditionalist from progressives. Prohibition was passed with the support of modernists and traditionalist. 7D DOK 3 Advancedxample

17 During the early 20th century, progressives and traditionalists had strong opinions about Prohibition. Speaker 1: Prohibition is an example of a Progressive Reform, and I support it. Speaker 2: Prohibition will preserve our traditional values, and I support Based on these statements, which conclusion about Prohibition can be reached? Progressives believed that Prohibition would end the traditional social outlook. Traditionalist believed that Prohibition was a fundamentally modern movement. Prohibition was an issue that distinguished traditionalist from progressives. Prohibition was passed with the support of modernists and traditionalist. 7D DOK 3 Advancedxample

18 A. By building a national electrical grid.
2B DOK 2 Proficient How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt respond to environmental concerns of the time of the national economic depression? A. By building a national electrical grid. B. By establishing a national park system. C. By providing jobs in conserving national resources. D. By proposing legislation for monitoring industrial pollutants.

19 A. By building a national electrical grid.
2B DOK 2 Proficient How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt respond to environmental concerns of the time of the national economic depression? A. By building a national electrical grid. B. By establishing a national park system. C. By providing jobs in conserving national resources. D. By proposing legislation for monitoring industrial pollutants.

20 Military equipment made in the United States during World War II
During World War II, the United States transitioned to wartime production. Military equipment made in the United States during World War II 300,000 aircraft 5,000 cargo ships 60,000 landing craft 86,000 tanks Which effect of this transition led to rationing in the United States during the war? The increase in military manufacturing affected the availability of employment. The shift to making military goods affected the availability of civilian goods. The construction of factories affected attitudes toward the environment. The need for factory workers affected attitudes toward unions. 3C 3C DOK 3 Advanced

21 Military equipment made in the United States during World War II
During World War II, the United States transitioned to wartime production. Military equipment made in the United States during World War II 300,000 aircraft 5,000 cargo ships 60,000 landing craft 86,000 tanks Which effect of this transition led to rationing in the United States during the war? The increase in military manufacturing affected the availability of employment. The shift to making military goods affected the availability of civilian goods. The construction of factories affected attitudes toward the environment. The need for factory workers affected attitudes toward unions. 3C 3C DOK 3 Advanced

22 To stop a planned march on Washington, organized by Civil rights activists A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 in 1941. ….I do hereby affirm the policy of the United States, that there will be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color or national origin…… How did the actions of these activists influence tactics used by later civil rights activists? They emphasized the use of large public demonstrations to raise public awareness. B. They encouraged the use of political action committees to increase political support. They criticized the use of passive resistance as being too ineffective against prevailing attitudes. They discouraged the use of voter registration as being too ineffective against entrenched leaders. 4A DOK 3 PROFICIENT

23 To stop a planned march on Washington, organized by Civil rights activists A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 in 1941. ….I do hereby affirm the policy of the United States, that there will be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color or national origin…… How did the actions of these activists influence tactics used by later civil rights activists? They emphasized the use of large public demonstrations to raise public awareness. B. They encouraged the use of political action committees to increase political support. They criticized the use of passive resistance as being too ineffective against prevailing attitudes. They discouraged the use of voter registration as being too ineffective against entrenched leaders. 4A DOK 3 PROFICIENT

24 In 1949 twelve nations signed a treaty to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Which statement provides an accurate analysis of how NATO increased Cold War tensions? The alliance established an embargo against Eastern European goods. The agreements mandated the disarmament of Western European countries. The agreement encouraged United States involvement in Eastern European affairs. The pact created a mutual defense alliance between the United States and Western European countries. 3D DOK Basic

25 In 1949 twelve nations signed a treaty to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Which statement provides an accurate analysis of how NATO increased Cold War tensions? The alliance established an embargo against Eastern European goods. The agreements mandated the disarmament of Western European countries. The agreement encouraged United States involvement in Eastern European affairs. The pact created a mutual defense alliance between the United States and Western European countries. 3D DOK Basic

26 President Woodrow Wilson 1916
Besides contributing our ungrudging moral and practical support to the establishment of peace throughout the world, we must actively and intellectually prepare ourselves to do our full service….. President Woodrow Wilson 1916 Which international action was influenced by the goals of President Wilson? A. The rejection of the Treaty of Versailles. B. The containment of Soviet military forces. C. The requirement of war reparations. D. The establishment of the League of Nations. 3E DOK 2 BASIC

27 President Woodrow Wilson 1916
Besides contributing our ungrudging moral and practical support to the establishment of peace throughout the world, we must actively and intellectually prepare ourselves to do our full service….. President Woodrow Wilson 1916 Which international action was influenced by the goals of President Wilson? A. The rejection of the Treaty of Versailles. B. The containment of Soviet military forces. C. The requirement of war reparations. D. The establishment of the League of Nations. 3E DOK 2 BASIC

28 This summary describes an issue faced by Congress during the 1930’s.
In 1890, most families lived in rural areas in close proximity to their extended families. Only 28% of the population lived in urban areas. By 1930 the percentage had doubled to 56%. During this time, the extended family split apart as the younger generation moved to the cities to work in factories. This left the older generation with no one to provide for them as they became to old to work. By 1934 more than half of the elderly population lacked the financial means to support themselves. How did Congress respond to this issue? By creating agencies to provide employment opportunities. By mandating state government creation of hospitals for senior citizens. By creating Social Security to prevent persistent poverty among senior citizens. By establishing the Department of Health and Human Services to provide health care. 1C DOK 2 Basic

29 This summary describes an issue faced by Congress during the 1930’s.
In 1890, most families lived in rural areas in close proximity to their extended families. Only 28% of the population lived in urban areas. By 1930 the percentage had doubled to 56%. During this time, the extended family split apart as the younger generation moved to the cities to work in factories. This left the older generation with no one to provide for them as they became to old to work. By 1934 more than half of the elderly population lacked the financial means to support themselves. How did Congress respond to this issue? By creating agencies to provide employment opportunities. By mandating state government creation of hospitals for senior citizens. By creating Social Security to prevent persistent poverty among senior citizens. By establishing the Department of Health and Human Services to provide health care. 1C DOK 2 Basic

30 In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes summarized the opinion of the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States. The question in every case is whether the words used are used……to create clear and present danger that……will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent….When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in a time of peace…..will not be endured so as long as men fight, and … court could regard them as protected by any constitutional rights. How did this ruing alter behavior with United States society? Public debates concerning issues of national security were no longer tolerated. Critical comments regarding the governing party were no longer tolerated. Legal scholars were targets of investigations during national crisis. Civil liberties were subject to interpretation during national crisis. 1D DOK 3 Proficient

31 In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes summarized the opinion of the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States. The question in every case is whether the words used are used……to create clear and present danger that……will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent….When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in a time of peace…..will not be endured so as long as men fight, and … court could regard them as protected by any constitutional rights. How did this ruing alter behavior with United States society? Public debates concerning issues of national security were no longer tolerated. Critical comments regarding the governing party were no longer tolerated. Legal scholars were targets of investigations during national crisis. Civil liberties were subject to interpretation during national crisis. 1D DOK 3 Proficient

32 Which post World War I policy conflicted with the United States tradition of respecting individual liberty? Encouraging people to enlist in the military. Placing taxes on the consumers for luxury goods. Encouraging people to ration goods for the military. Setting quotas on immigrants from specific regions. 1D DOK 2 Proficient

33 Which post World War I policy conflicted with the United States tradition of respecting individual liberty? Encouraging people to enlist in the military. Placing taxes on the consumers for luxury goods. Encouraging people to ration goods for the military. Setting quotas on immigrants from specific regions. 1D DOK 2 Proficient

34 What was the primary purpose of President Franklin Roosevelt’s program to plant millions of trees on the Great Plains during the Great Depression? To protect railroad investments. To stop more job losses in the region. To prevent further erosion of the soil. To develop a national park system. 2B DOK 2 Proficient

35 What was the primary purpose of President Franklin Roosevelt’s program to plant millions of trees on the Great Plains during the Great Depression? To protect railroad investments. To stop more job losses in the region. To prevent further erosion of the soil. To develop a national park system. 2B DOK 2 Proficient

36 During World War I American bankers made loans to European powers.
American loans to the Allies totaled over $2 billion by 1917 when the United States entered the war. Based on the information above, which conclusion can be drawn about Americans entry into World War I? The United States had a financial stake in an Allied victory. Investments in Europe delayed the United States entry into the war. Promises of money from the United States stopped German aggression. Opposition to the United States intervention was based on financial concern. 3C DOK 3 Proficient

37 During World War I American bankers made loans to European powers.
American loans to the Allies totaled over $2 billion by 1917 when the United States entered the war. Based on the information above, which conclusion can be drawn about Americans entry into World War I? The United States had a financial stake in an Allied victory. Investments in Europe delayed the United States entry into the war. Promises of money from the United States stopped German aggression. Opposition to the United States intervention was based on financial concern. 3C DOK 3 Proficient

38 Which statement analyzes the connection between post World War II settlement patterns and the government’s economic policy? The development of suburban areas was closely linked with the expansion of the interstate highway system. The decay of urban areas was directly related to the lack of post-war industrial facilities. The population of the industrial areas grew as post-war defense contracts were awarded. The population of agricultural areas declined as farming subsidies were curtailed. 3D DOK 2 Proficient

39 Which statement analyzes the connection between post World War II settlement patterns and the government’s economic policy? The development of suburban areas was closely linked with the expansion of the interstate highway system. The decay of urban areas was directly related to the lack of post-war industrial facilities. The population of the industrial areas grew as post-war defense contracts were awarded. The population of agricultural areas declined as farming subsidies were curtailed. 3D DOK 2 Proficient

40 Traditionalism Modernism 1920’s
Women as homemakers Belief in creationism Support for temperance Women in the workplace Belief in evolution ???????? Which feature of the 1920’s re[places the question mark in the table above? Emphasis on agrarian values. Popularity of Speakeasies. Support for Prohibition. Use of referendum

41 Traditionalism Modernism 1920’s
Women as homemakers Belief in creationism Support for temperance Women in the workplace Belief in evolution ???????? Which feature of the 1920’s re[places the question mark in the table above? Emphasis on agrarian values. Popularity of Speakeasies. Support for Prohibition. Use of referendum

42 United States involvement in World War I
April 6, 1917 July 3, 1917 December 3, 1917 May 31, 1918 August 8, 1918 November 11, 1918 United States declares war The first American troops arrive in France Russia withdraws from the war following the Bolshevik Revolution American troops stop advancing German forces near Paris Allied counter-offensive forces German army to retreat Armistice signed to end the war Which conclusions can be drawn from the timeline? Germany proposed a separate peace settlement with the United States. The transfer of German forces away from Russia weakened the Allies. The entry of the United States into the war contributed to an allied victory. Russia withdrew from the war in order to clear the way for a French victory. 3C DOK 2 Proficient

43 United States involvement in World War I
April 6, 1917 July 3, 1917 December 3, 1917 May 31, 1918 August 8, 1918 November 11, 1918 United States declares war The first American troops arrive in France Russia withdraws from the war following the Bolshevik Revolution American troops stop advancing German forces near Paris Allied counter-offensive forces German army to retreat Armistice signed to end the war Which conclusions can be drawn from the timeline? Germany proposed a separate peace settlement with the United States. The transfer of German forces away from Russia weakened the Allies. The entry of the United States into the war contributed to an allied victory. Russia withdrew from the war in order to clear the way for a French victory. 3C DOK 2 Proficient

44 In the late 1800’s, why did the United States react to European colonization by establishing colonies of its own? American leaders believed world powers needed to establish diplomatic and political relationships. American leaders believed world powers needed to control territory and natural resources. American leaders wanted to establish the basis of democratic government. American leaders wanted to protect the rights of native populations. 3A DOK 3 Proficient

45 In the late 1800’s, why did the United States react to European colonization by establishing colonies of its own? American leaders believed world powers needed to establish diplomatic and political relationships. American leaders believed world powers needed to control territory and natural resources. American leaders wanted to establish the basis of democratic government. American leaders wanted to protect the rights of native populations. 3A DOK 3 Proficient

46 Which statement presents a jurisdiction of American imperialism during the late 19th century?
Leaders believed distant territories were important to long-term national security. Leaders believed the country should avoid getting entangled in European affairs. Leaders believed it was necessary to trade with Europe for military technology. Leaders believed it was wrong to impose American ideals on other cultures. 3B DOK 3 Proficient

47 Which statement presents a jurisdiction of American imperialism during the late 19th century?
Leaders believed distant territories were important to long-term national security. Leaders believed the country should avoid getting entangled in European affairs. Leaders believed it was necessary to trade with Europe for military technology. Leaders believed it was wrong to impose American ideals on other cultures. 3B DOK 3 Proficient

48 In the late 1800’s, imperialists and anti-imperialists disagreed over a foreign policy approach towards Cuba. Anti-imperialist argued that the United States should be a model for the free and self-governing nations and should honor Cuban independence. Imperialists supported the Platt Amendment which gave the United States authority to intervene in Cuban affairs. Why did the perspective of the imperialist prevail? A. Businesses in the United States benefitted from a close relationship with Cuba. B. Politicians in the United States benefitted from the loyal following in Cuba. C. Cuba lacked political traditions and wanted foreign assistance. D. Cuba lacked natural resources and needed foreign assistance. 3A DOK 3 Proficient

49 In the late 1800’s, imperialists and anti-imperialists disagreed over a foreign policy approach towards Cuba. Anti-imperialist argued that the United States should be a model for the free and self-governing nations and should honor Cuban independence. Imperialists supported the Platt Amendment which gave the United States authority to intervene in Cuban affairs. Why did the perspective of the imperialist prevail? A. Businesses in the United States benefitted from a close relationship with Cuba. B. Politicians in the United States benefitted from the loyal following in Cuba. C. Cuba lacked political traditions and wanted foreign assistance. D. Cuba lacked natural resources and needed foreign assistance. 3A DOK 3 Proficient


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