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INTRO TO ART. Intro to Art Design Digital Photo PaintingCeramicsDrawing Drawing II Painting II Ceramics II Graphic Arts Media Exploration Independent.

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3 Intro to Art Design Digital Photo PaintingCeramicsDrawing Drawing II Painting II Ceramics II Graphic Arts Media Exploration Independent study College art course



6 Value Color Space Shape Form Texture Line



9 I Can…… Identify the elements of art within an artwork Analyze how the elements of art are used within an artwork to communicate meaning Communicate meaning within my artwork by using the elements of art Integrate various mediums into the creation of my artwork. Create an art work to express my idea Revise my artwork based on critique and feedback from others. Write an artist statement explaining my creative choices.

10 Expectations: Be prepared for class (pencil, journals, projects) seating chart….

11 Expectations: Be respectful Of others Art projects/ideas Art supplies Art class room Clean up after yourself Positive language

12 Expectations: Music = ok – Earphones – Only during work time – I shouldn’t be able to hear it Cell phones = ok – For music or projects only – No texting, facebook, etc. Talking = ok – Whisper…I shouldn’t be able to hear you – Art talk

13 Expectations: Experiment to find answers Be original Be creative Problem solve, troubleshoot ALWAYS do your BEST quality work! Art goes beyond the pencil

14 Materials you will need: Wooden #2 pencil Eraser Folder Paint Shirt

15 Grade: Projects = 100% Due dates

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