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STIMULATE 6 Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment A Presentation prepared.

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2 STIMULATE 6 Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment A Presentation prepared by: DILRUBA MAHBUBA (RUBA) October 2 to December 21, 2006

3 Education: B.A. Honors and Master's in Library and Information Science Job: Information Officer, Library and Information Services Centre Information Sciences Division, ICDDR,B, Dhaka, Bangladesh About me :

4 International Training Programme on INFORMATION: Scientificand Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries—an Active Training Environment (STIMULATE 6) is a high level training course for Library Professionals and Information Managers. The main aim and goal of the programme is to offer a stimulating learning environment to the participants It is aimed to train professionals from developing countries The basic aim to stimulate students to transfer achieved skills in home country for further development of the country in library and information management field About STIMULATE :

5 Course contents: Stimulate-6 Luz M. Quiroga: ^Building a digital library using Greenstone software Marc Nyssen: ^Internet Basic, ^WWW Development, ^XML theory and exercises Ronald Rousseau: ^Citation analysis and research performance, ^Web information retrieval Egbert De Smet: ^ISIS-software family,^ISIS formatting language, ^Publishing ISIS, ^GenISIS and ^WebISIS Leo Egghe: ^Elementary statistics for effective library and information service management Françoise De Villard: ^Refworks Francesco Dell’ Orso: ^ProCite, ^ISBD and ^Thesaurus structure Paul Nieuwenhuysen: ^Presentation of information Brian Kelly: ^Web 2.0 technologies Ludo Holans: ^New scientific Library Leuven

6 Good features : Stimulate-6 Introducing most modern tools of information management and analysis techniques Opportunity to share with Librarians from different countries Guided Tours in Libraries in Belgium Asking Questions and Getting Answers—An instant opportinity Friendly relations with Teachers and Students

7 With a critique view : Stimulate 6 Schedule is confirmed, but class is not Classes from 10:00 am to 5:00 am Limited time for assignments Limited libraries to visit Lacking of VUB Network connection from student home

8 Recommendations : Stimulate-6 To arrange more Library visits including National Libraries To give vub login facility from student home To expand number of classes for HTML,XML, Publishing in WWW Presentation Techniques Procite5, Endnote, Theasurus, ISBD

9 Recommendations for my Home Institute To build an Open Access Repository Union To create Online News Group : Mozilla News group To develop a Library Consortia Sharing catalog Sharing E-Journal Subscription Preparing a Local Citation Index To organize training courses on ISIS: WinISIS, GenISIS and WebSIS for Librarians To maintain RSS in Web Page To introduce Ref Work and Procite5 to Writers To introduce Map as a Library Information locator

10 Acknowledgement ➢ Prof. Dr. Paul Nieuwenhuysen: to organize this high level course for Library Professionals ➢ All STIMULATE Teachers: to teach us in a “learning by doing” environment and to transfer new ideas to us. ➢ All STIMULATE Colleagues, special thanks to Urenika from Srilanka ➢ Peter Thorpe,Director,ISD,ICDDR,B: to award me to do the Course ➢ All ICDDR,B Library Colleagues: to support my official responsibilities during the course ➢ Noboneeto Noholee, to sacrifice not to see her mother for three months ➢ My Parents

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