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INFLUENCING OTHERS. To Build Skill in Using Constructive Forms of Persuasion and Influence to Align and Mobilize Others.

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Presentation on theme: "INFLUENCING OTHERS. To Build Skill in Using Constructive Forms of Persuasion and Influence to Align and Mobilize Others."— Presentation transcript:


2 To Build Skill in Using Constructive Forms of Persuasion and Influence to Align and Mobilize Others

3 Influencing Others Effective persuasion is the ability to present a message in a way that leads others to support it. Real persuasion creates a sense of freedom for the listener: the freedom to choose

4 Agenda for the Afternoon Define what we mean by influence and persuasion Observe and reflect on a demonstration Present a four point model for persuading others Apply this model to your own situations Trio practice with your own situations

5 Effective Persuasion… Built around needs of colleagues and best interests of the organization Used to align and mobilize others in service of reaching organization’s goals Involves dialogue where opinions are shared in a mutual search for good solutions

6 Effective Persuasion… Not self-serving manipulation Not about clever, seductive arguments or misleading information Not an adversarial/competitive game or test of wills Not a “hard sell”

7 To Persuade Effectively Leaders… Use their ability to persuade and convince rather than command and direct Make good arguments, but listen, empathize, negotiate, and motivate Are able to compromise and make concessions to get “buy-in”

8 Your Situation What are you proposing or advocating for? In results-oriented terms, why is this important? Who are your colleagues that must be convinced? (More their roles than their names) Why might others need persuading? Why won’t they readily agree with you ?

9 Cornerstones of Effective Influencing Building Credibility Connecting Emotionally Searching for Common Ground Providing Compelling Positions and Evidence

10 Building Your Credibility On scale of 1-5, assess how credible will my colleagues see me on this issue What actions will I take to strengthen my credibility on this issue?

11 Finding Common Ground What aspects of my idea will have significant appeal What questions will I use to discover this? How can I adapt my position so that it will clearly reflect the goals and values of colleagues?

12 Compelling Evidence Plan for a conversation which you will have with a colleague to persuade them to adopt your idea Determine how you will present your position and your evidence How will you engage the other person in positive, collaborative ways?


14 Practice Trios 3 to 5 minutes to brief the other person to play their role 5 to 8 minutes to practice your influencing 5 minutes for debriefing and feedback Then it is the next person’s turn

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