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1 ICAO Runway Safety ICAO/ASPA Regional Seminar on Safety Management Systems (SMS) Mexico 14-16 March 2006 Gustavo De León Technical Officer, ATM ICAO-Montreal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ICAO Runway Safety ICAO/ASPA Regional Seminar on Safety Management Systems (SMS) Mexico 14-16 March 2006 Gustavo De León Technical Officer, ATM ICAO-Montreal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ICAO Runway Safety ICAO/ASPA Regional Seminar on Safety Management Systems (SMS) Mexico 14-16 March 2006 Gustavo De León Technical Officer, ATM ICAO-Montreal

2 2 Introduction  Runway safety work by ICAO  New Runway Incursion Prevention Manual  ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit  Conclusions

3 3 ICAO safety-related work Runway safety work  June 2001 New ANC Task developed on runway incursions ANC formed ad hoc working group and identified study areas as:  ATC procedures  Aerodrome charts  Radiotelephony phraseology  Situational awareness  Language proficiency  Aerodrome lighting and markings  Performance requirements for equipment  Operational aspects  Human factors

4 4 Transport Canada study Basis for the increase in runway incursions  Traffic volume  Capacity-enhancing procedures  Airport layouts  Complexity  Human performance

5 5 Transport Canada study  The potential for a runway incursion increases more rapidly than traffic volume. For example, a 20% increase in volume represents a 140% increase in runway incursion potential  In keeping with the laws of probability, and in the absence of significantly improved safeguards, an increase in the potential for runway incursions can be expected to be associated with an increase in actual runway incursion events

6 6 Transport Canada study Capacity-enhancing procedures  Two conclusions As traffic volume increases, runway incursion potential increases more rapidly when capacity- enhancing procedures are in effect than when they are not If traffic remains the same, the potential for runway incursions increases when capacity- enhancing procedures are put into operation

7 7 ICAO’s role in improving runway safety Education and awareness campaign  Review and update provisions  Education and awareness  Seminars/Workshops  Runway Incursion Prevention Manual  Runway Safety Toolkit  Establishment of a data base for runway incursions  Develop of an standard training package (STP) TRAINAIR for global use

8 8 ICAO provisions and documents  Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) manual (Doc. 9830 published in 2004)  Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) (Doc 9643 published in 2004)  Manual on Safety Management (Doc 9854 advanced in ICAONET )  New Runway Incursion Prevention Manual (to be advanced in ICAONET)

9 9 Definition of Runway Incursion Common taxonomies  Definition of Runway incursion: Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft.  Common categorization taxonomy needed

10 10 ATM Provisions ATC procedures  Annex 2: Rules of the Air Aircraft shall stop and hold at all runway holding positions Aircraft shall not taxi onto maneuvering area without clearance  Annex 11: Air Traffic Services Movement of persons and vehicles must be controlled by the control tower

11 11 ATM Provisions Radiotelephony phraseology  Amendment to Annex 11 ( Applicable since Nov. 2003 ) ATS safety management Read-back of clearances Use of surface movement radar ADS-B  PANS-ATM ( Applicable since Nov. 2001 ) the requirement for an explicit clearance to "cross" or an instruction to "hold short" of a runway to be included when a taxi clearance contains a taxi limit beyond that runway

12 12 New PANS-ATM provisions  Changed Holding Position to Holding Point in radiotelephony phraseology  Clarified when pilot is to report clear of a runway  Harmonized reduced runway separation provisions  Introduced a new Recommended Practice on implementation of Surface Movement Radar  Clarified when and how to use conditional clearances  Need to report runway incursions

13 13 Aerodrome Provisions Aerodrome lighting and markings standardization  Annex 14: Aerodromes Enlarged version of runway holding position markings Upgraded specifications on stop bars and runway guard lights Use of retro-reflective materials for markings  Former Visual Aids Panel (VAP) Development of specifications for on visual aids for A-SMGCS

14 14 Amendment 7 to Annex 14  A fence or other suitable barrier shall be provided on an aerodrome to prevent the entrance to the movement area or animals large enough to be a hazard to aircraft  A fence or other suitable barrier shall be provided on an aerodrome to prevent the inadvertent or pre-meditated access of an unauthorized person onto a non-public area of the aerodrome

15 15 Aircraft Operations Provisions Situational awareness and human performance  Procedures for Aircraft Operations (PANS- OPS) New part: Aerodrome Surface operations aimed at addressing vulnerabilities in human performance and maintenance of situational awareness during surface operations Provisions require that operators ensure flight personnel are aware of risk factors in the aerodrome surface operations

16 16 Runway Safety and ATS Safety Management Seminars  Mexico City, 22 to 25 October 2002*  Singapore, 1 to 5 December 2003  Cairo, 15 to 19 December 2003  Nairobi, 5 to 9 July 2004  Santiago de Chile, 18 to 22 October 2004  Moscow, 12 to 15 September 2005  * Runway Safety Conference

17 17 ICAO Runway Incursion Prevention Manual  Chapter 1: Introduction  Chapter 2: Causal and contributory factors  Chapter 3: How to establish a runway incursion prevention programme  Chapter 4: Recommendations for the prevention of runway incursions  Chapter 5: Incident reporting and data collection  Chapter 6: Analysis of the severity of runway incursions

18 18 Appendices  Communications best practices  Flight crew best practices  Air traffic controller best practices  Airside vehicle driver best practices  Aerodrome resource management training course  Runway incursion initial notification form  Runway incursion causal factors identifying form  Runway incursion severity classification (RISC) calculator  Aerodrome runway incursions assessment (ARIA)  ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit  Eurocontrol Runway Safety Toolkit

19 19 Runway Safety- Toolkit Education and Awareness  Collation of best available operational and technological material  Presentation in audio, graphic, textual format  Thematic narrative and various subsets  Interactive CD-ROM  Assist States in establishing runway safety programmes  Distribution as a toolkit in compelling form

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48 48 Conclusions  ICAO work improving runway safety  ICAO provisions and documents  Definition of Runway incursion  Education and awareness: worldwide campaign of seminars on runway safety  New Runway Incursion Prevention Manual  ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit

49 49 THE END Thanks-Muchas Gracias

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