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There is no shame in crying  When I am happy, I cry. When I am sad, I cry and cry. I cry because I am in a very bad mood, like get injured felling off.

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Presentation on theme: "There is no shame in crying  When I am happy, I cry. When I am sad, I cry and cry. I cry because I am in a very bad mood, like get injured felling off."— Presentation transcript:

1 There is no shame in crying  When I am happy, I cry. When I am sad, I cry and cry. I cry because I am in a very bad mood, like get injured felling off from a tree or something. I also cried in a good mood, when I listen to gags or meet someone I miss a lot in the airport.  I am afraid of crying in the public, but crying is a good thing. It can express my feelings. Sometimes you will feel more comfortable after crying. In fact, it is good for your health. If not, you may get depressed. Therefore, crying does not mean that you are not tough enough to face hardship.  I do not cry easily because I am afraid of being teased. When I feel depressed, I will find support from my friends and my family.  3D Li Chee Chung 0607

2 There is no shame in crying A real tear-jerker When I was very young, I liked crying very much. I don’t know why. I think I was naughty when I was young. Now I’m fourteen years old. I don’t like crying any more. But I am not afraid to cry. Because crying is an usual thing. Everyone will at least cry once in our life. Sometimes when I feel depressed, I tell my friends. Because they can tell me what I need to do. But one of my friends told me, even if I am grown up and even if I don’t like to cry, I can vent my feeling with tears. Now I think it is a god idea, too. When you feel depressed, you can cry because there is no shame in crying. Pinky,Man Yi,Wan(34) 3D 13-09-2006

3 There is no shame in crying If my parents, teachers or classmates shout at me or punish me, I will cry. It is because I feel extremely upset, I want to cry to vent my feelings. For example, Last time I failed at dictation, I felt disappointed, so I cried. Nonetheless, I am also afraid to cry because I think crying is quite embarrassing, especially for boys. If somebody sees a boy crying, he/she will laugh at the boy. He/she thinks that boy is not brave enough. So I am afraid to cry. I don ’ t want anybody laughs at me and says I am not a brave boy. So, if I am not extremely upset, I will not cry. I will talk to my school counselor and friends to vent my feelings when I feel depressed and let them discuss and solve the problems with me! 3D Alfred Wong 0607

4 There is no shame in crying Everyone has cried for a reason. I don't think crying is a shame because we cried at least once when we were born. No one has never cried. When I'm unhappy, I vent my feeling with tears. Or when I'm stressed out and nervous, I cry too. But I never burst into tears. I only weep and don't make any noise. It is difficult for people to forget their unhappy things if they do not cry. Everyone has cried for a reason. I don't think crying is a shame because we cried at least once when we were born. No one has never cried. When I'm unhappy, I vent my feeling with tears. Or when I'm stressed out and nervous, I cry too. But I never burst into tears. I only weep and don't make any noise. It is difficult for people to forget their unhappy things if they do not cry. Having said that, I don't like crying in front of my friends. If I cry on the street or in public places, I think that is fine, because nobody knows me and people don't pay attention to me. Very often, after crying I feel very relaxed and I will forget the sad things easily. Crying is one of the ways to relax myself. Girls always cry. Being a crybaby is easier than a superwoman. Let's try! Having said that, I don't like crying in front of my friends. If I cry on the street or in public places, I think that is fine, because nobody knows me and people don't pay attention to me. Very often, after crying I feel very relaxed and I will forget the sad things easily. Crying is one of the ways to relax myself. Girls always cry. Being a crybaby is easier than a superwoman. Let's try!

5 There is no shame in crying  It is said that ‘Girls are made of water.’It means that girls are very easy to cry. But I don’t think it’s always right.  I am a girl. I do not like crying and do not often cry. But when I have a big problem, coming across difficulty or when I am misunderstood, I cannot help crying. I used to think that crying is a shame and crying means you are weak. But now I don’t.  My mother always tells me, ‘When you feel depressed, you can cry. There is no shame in crying. ’I agree with my mother now. Crying can make you more comfortable. And crying helps you vent your feelings and hence is good for your health. There is nothing more important than health. So no matter who cries, there is no shame.  Written by Kwan Oi Wa 3D 06/07

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