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Constitution Day September 17th Garfield SCA Elections

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1 Constitution Day September 17th Garfield SCA Elections

2 Constitution of the United States of America
It is the one main law in the United States Other countries have constitutions, but the US Constitution is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government in the world. Every other law in the United States must agree with the Constitution – Laws can’t be “Unconstitutional” It tells how the federal government in Washington, D. C. will be run.

3 Preamble (Opening) We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

4 Father of the Constitution
US Constitution Father of the Constitution James Madison Garfield SCA Ms. Dougherty Ms. McKittrick

5 3 Branches of Government
US Constitution Garfield SCA 3 Branches of Government Executive - President Makes sure laws are obeyed Judicial - Courts and Judges Makes sure the laws match the Constitution – not unconstitutional Legislative - Congress - Senators and Representatives Makes the laws Chain of Command Administration – Dr. Marshall, Ms. Slattery Approve all SCA projects Make requests of SCA members Sponsors – Work with SCA officers and representatives CARES and School spirit SCA Officers and Representatives Work on projects

6 Requirements for Office Requirements for Office
US Constitution Garfield SCA Requirements for Office President Natural born US citizen At least 35 years old US resident for at least 14 years Vice- President Same Senators and Representatives At least 30/25 years old US Citizen for 9/7 years Resident of the state Requirements for Office Work cooperatively in class Demonstrate leadership and act with assertion Responsibly complete all assignments on time Respect self, peers, teachers, and school property Demonstrate empathy toward other students Persevere with self-control in difficult activities Demonstrate school spirit Maintain academic grades

7 US Constitution Garfield SCA
Right to Vote Fourteenth Amendment Male citizens 21 years of age Fifteenth Amendment Voting rights cannot be denied because of color Nineteenth Amendment Women Twenty-Sixth Amendment 18 years of age Right to Vote Garfield students and teachers in Grades 2 -6 will vote for 4 SCA officers. In each classroom, grades 4-6, all students and teachers in that classroom will vote for classroom representatives as needed.

8 US Constitution Garfield SCA
Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments (additions) to the Constitution are called “The Bill of Rights.” Rights such as freedom of religion, speech and press, fair trial, and others are written out. Rights Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) Any SCA member who violates SR&R may be removed or placed on probation from SCA. Sponsors and teachers will decide if a new member should be elected.

9 Student Signature: ______________________________________
Garfield Student Cooperative Association (SCA) Officer Candidate Intent Form I, ___________________________________, am interested in becoming an officer in the Garfield Student Cooperative Association, SCA. I believe that I have all the leadership and CARES qualities that are required to be an officer. I understand that this job requires a great deal of cooperation, assertion, responsibility, respect, empathy and self-control. I am prepared to work with students, teachers and administrators on all SCA projects. I understand that SCA meetings may take place during class time and I am responsible for missed work and maintaining Achievement Levels of 3’s and 4’s on evaluations.  Student Signature: ______________________________________    This form is due to Ms. McKittrick by Friday, September 20. Dr Marshall or Ms. Slattery will meet with you to discuss possible candidacy.

10 I recommend the above student as a candidate for SCA officer.
This student: Works cooperatively in classroom assignments and activities Demonstrates leadership and acts with assertion Responsibly completes homework and classroom assignments on time Respects self, peers, teachers, and school property Demonstrates empathy toward other students Perseveres with self-control in difficult activities Demonstrates school spirit Demonstrates leaning at Achievement Levels 3 and 4 Additional Comments: (Please note any academic reservations you may have.)

11 Speech/essay Guidelines: Font: Times New Roman, Tahoma, or Ariel; size 14 or 16. You must hold and read the speech Use Paragraphs Make a brief introduction; include some line like, “Hello my name is…..” Brag about yourself! Be sure to include some examples/details of how you show you CARES. Tell us why we should vote for you. How will you help Garfield with CARES Include a closing paragraph – “Remember, vote for…”

12 Time Line of important dates for SCA officer election:
Friday, September 20 – Intent forms due to Ms. McKittrick. Begin to work on essays. Wednesday - Tuesday, 9/19 9/25 – Dr. Marshall or Ms. Slattery will meet with interested candidates. Thursday, September 27 – Approved candidates will be notified and given campaign guidelines – posters, speeches, etc. Friday, October 5 - Election Day!

13 SCA Representatives Work cooperatively in classroom assignments and activities Demonstrate leadership and act with assertion Responsibly complete homework and classroom assignments on time Respect self, peers, teachers, and school property Demonstrate empathy and kindness toward other students Persevere with self-control in difficult activities Demonstrate school spirit Model appropriate behavior throughout the school – classroom, hallway, cafeteria, bus, SCA meetings

14 SCA Representative Elections
Dr. Marshall or Ms. Slattery and one other teacher must give signed approval for you to run as an SCA candidate Classroom Elections will be Friday, November 1. Sixth grade will have 3 SCA members from each class – officers and representatives.

15 Oath of Office “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

16 SCA Pledge “On my honor, I solemnly promise to uphold the high standards of CARES in the Garfield SCA. I will be assertive, leading my class in all SCA activities. I will promote school spirit. I will try my best in classroom academics and always model responsible behavior.”

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