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Ecology. Ecology  The study of the interactions of organisms with their physical environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology. Ecology  The study of the interactions of organisms with their physical environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology

2 Ecology  The study of the interactions of organisms with their physical environment.

3 Population  A group of individuals on one species living in one area who have the ability of interbreeding and interacting with each other.

4 Community  Consists of all the organisms living in one area.

5 Ecosystem  All organisms in a given area as well as the abiotic (nonliving) factors with which they interact.

6 Abiotic Factors  Nonliving  Temperature, water, sunlight, wind, rocks, soil

7 Biosphere  Global Ecosystem

8 Five Properties of a Population  Size  Density  Dispersion  Survivorship Curves  Age Structure Diagrams

9 1. Size  The total number of individuals in a population.

10 2. Density  Number of individuals per unit area or volume.  Scientists use sampling techniques to estimate the number of organisms living in one area.  Mark and recapture.

11 3. Dispersion  Pattern of spacing of individuals within the area the population inhabits.  Clumped  Uniform  Random

12 Dispersion: Clumped  The most common pattern.  i.e. Fish traveling in schools.

13 Dispersion: Uniform  Even distribution of population in environment.  i.e. some plants may secrete toxins that keep away other plants that would compete for limited resources.

14 Dispersion: Random  Absence of any special attractions or repulsions.  i.e. trees can be spaced randomly in a forest.


16 4. Survivorship Curves  Survivorship or mortality curves show the size and composition of a population.  Type 1  Type 2  Type 3

17 Type 1  Show organisms with low death rates in young and middle age.  High death rates in old age.  Parenting accounts for the high survival rates of the young.  i.e. Humans

18 Type 2  Describe a species with a death rate that is constant over the life span.  i.e. Hydra, Reptiles, Rodents

19 Type 3  Very high death rate among the young, but then shows that death rates decline for those few individuals that have survived to a certain age.  Fish and vertebrates that release thousands of eggs.

20 Age Structure Diagrams  Diagrams that show the relative number of individuals at each age.

21 Undeveloped Population  “Pyramid Shape”  Normally half the population is under 20 years of age  The population in 20 years will be enormous.

22 Developed Population  Stable Population  Zero Population Growth  Number of people at each age group is the same, and the birth and death rates are equal.

23 Carrying Capacity  The limit of the number of individuals that can occupy one area at a particular time.  Limiting factors that limit population growth  Density-Dependent  Density-Independent

24 Density-Dependent  Factors that increase directly as the population density increases  Competition for food, buildup of wastes, predation, and disease.

25 Density-Independent  Factors whose occurrence is unrelated to the population density.  Earthquakes, storms, and naturally occurring fires and floods.

26 Competition  Competitive exclusion principle  Two species cannot coexist in a community if they share a niche (they use the same resources)  One species will drive the other to extinction.

27 Predation  Refers to one animal eating another, or an animal eating plants.  Plants have evolved spines, thorns, and chemical poisons.  Animals have developed active defenses: Hiding, fleeing, or defending themselves

28 Aposematic Coloration  “Warning Coloration”  Very bright, often red or orange, coloration of poisonous animals as a warning that possible predators should avoid them.

29 Batesian Mimicry  “copycat” coloration where one harmless animal mimics the coloration of one that is poisonous.  Monarch and Viceroy Butterfly

30 Mullerian Mimicry  Two or more poisonous species resemble each other and gain an advantage from their combined numbers.  Predators learn more quickly to avoid prey with that appearance.

31 Mutualism  A symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit (+/+)  i.e. bacteria that live in the human intestine and produce vitamins.

32 Commensalism  Symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and one is unaware of the other organism (+/0).  i.e. barnacles that attach to the underbelly of whales gain access to a variety of food sources as the whale swims.

33 Parasitism  One organism, the parasite, benefits while the host is harmed.  i.e. Tapeworm in the intestine.

34 Food Chain  Pathway along which food is transferred from one trophic or feeding level to another.  Energy moves from producers to herbivores to the carnivores.

35 Food Web

36 Producer  Convert light energy to chemical bond energy  Have the greatest biomass of any trophic level  Green Plants

37 Primary Consumers  Herbivores  Eat the producers  i.e. grasshoppers, zooplankton

38 Secondary Consumers  Carnivores  Eat the primary consumers  Examples: Frogs, small fish

39 Tertiary Consumers  Carnivores  Eat Secondary Consumers  Top of Food Chain  Have the smallest biomass of any other trophic level  Least stable  i.e. Hawk

40 Decomposers  Bacteria and Fungi  Recycle nutrients back into the soil to nourish plants.  Without decomposers there would be no life.

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