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Ch. 7.2 Ionic Bonds and Ionic Compounds

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1 Ch. 7.2 Ionic Bonds and Ionic Compounds

2 Formation of Ionic Compounds
Ionic Compounds—compounds composed of anions and cations. Although they are composed of ions, ionic compounds are electrically neutral. One atom loses electron(s) and achieves a stable noble gas electron configuration; the other atom gains electron(s) and achieves a stable noble gas electron configuration.

3 With ionic compounds, there are no single discrete units, only a continuous array of ions.
Chemical formula—shows the kinds and numbers of atoms in the smallest representative unit of a substance. The chemical formula of ionic compounds refers to a ratio known as a formula unit (the lowest whole-number ratio of ions).

4 Ionic charges are not shown when writing the formula unit of an ionic compound.

5 Properties of Ionic Compounds
Most are crystalline solids at room temperature. The component ions are arranged in repeating three-dimensional patterns. Large attractive forces between ions result in a very stable structure, so ionic compounds generally have high melting points.

6 Coordination number of an ion—the number of ions of opposite charge that surround the ion in a crystal. Ionic compounds can conduct an electric current when melted or dissolved in water.

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