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Promoting GIS in the Workplace with Minimal Training Funds Susan Cohn KY Division of Water KY GIS Conference September 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting GIS in the Workplace with Minimal Training Funds Susan Cohn KY Division of Water KY GIS Conference September 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting GIS in the Workplace with Minimal Training Funds Susan Cohn KY Division of Water KY GIS Conference September 27, 2012

2 Purpose of This Presentation ÔOutline practices in Division of Water ÔDiscuss ways to achieve GIS competency in the workplace ÔShare ideas of how to promote GIS in our programs, agencies

3 Current Practices in Division of Water ÔDOW Workgroup ÔIt’s GIS Lunch ÔGIS 101—In-House (coworker-led)

4 Workgroup Purpose ÔDiscuss GIS issues ÔIdentify issues in data development & review from GIS perspective ÔDevelop GIS agency standards ÔMake recommendations to management

5 Workgroup Schedule ÔMeet bi-monthly ÔMeet additionally if project dictates

6 Workgroup Format ÔDevelop agenda and follow it ÔEncourage both users and managers to attend ÔLet the group decide what issues to address ÔKeep participants and management informed ÔDistribute/Post meeting minutes

7 It’s GIS Lunch ÔPresentations ÔBasic theme  Demonstrate how they used GIS to accomplish a task Ô Coworkers Ô NGOs Ô Other Agencies Ô Consultants Ô University Staff and faculty

8 DOW Launched EEC Workgroup ÔEnergy and Environment Cabinet Group ÔQuality Assurance & Standards ÔApplication and Development ÔAnnual GIS Open House

9 EEC GIS Open House Ô Formal introduction and keynote presentations Ô Stations with different GIS tools and presentations

10 In-house Training General ÔIntroduce GIS concepts ÔDemonstrate GIS accessibility in DOW ÔPresent water-related information Specific Topics ÔAddress many relevant functions available through specific tools


12 Training Components of GIS 101 ÔWho to contact for server account ÔHow to log onto Remote Desktop Connection ÔBasics of Toolbars and Projections ÔHow to set up workspace ÔWhere to save projects ÔHow to add layers ÔDifferent uses for point, line or polygon layers

13 …GIS 101 Continued… ÔTable of Contents and how layers load ÔWhat is an Attribute Table ÔZoom To features ÔIdentify Tool/Latitude and Longitude ÔLabeling ÔMap Layout View versus Data View ÔCartographic Standards and Making a Map

14 …GIS 101 Concluded ÔExporting and Saving to PDF ÔPrinting ÔHomework: Produce a map of where you live. Export map and send pdf to instructor for training certificate and credit in training record.

15 Training Certificate

16 Ô 33/41 students completed form Ô Overall responses positive Ô Participation from all branches Initial Pilot Evaluations

17 32% of DOW staff had attended training After first year of GIS 101

18 Measures of Success (2009) ÔParticipation strong across branches ÔParticipation strong across branches ÔStaff trained internally, estimated savings to DOW: $16,000 (67 staff X $250 fee). ÔStaff trained internally, estimated savings to DOW: $16,000 (67 staff X $250 fee). ÔEvaluations Overwhelmingly positive! ÔBranch Managers’ recognizing of the importance of GIS proficiency

19 “Command Performances” ÔContinued to offer classes ÔDeveloped GIS 201 Ô editing, labeling, spatial joins ÔConverted GIS 101 into a Self-Study course for new hires ÔRecently updated for ArcMap 10

20 Ways to Promote GIS Ways to Promote GIS ÔEstablish Workgroups Ôdivision, department, intra-agency ÔDevelop/Host Presentations Ôfor Management and Coworkers ÔCreate tailored Trainings ÔNetworking ÔWith other divisions, departments, agencies and organizations

21 Results of Workgroup Approach ÔSmoother transitions with ESRI upgrades ÔBetter coordination among divisions ÔBetter understanding of data applications and limitations between agencies ÔEmpowering employees to use available tools

22 Networking ÔFormed a cabinet-wide workgroup to strengthen data-sharing and skills development ÔParticipation in KAMP quarterly meetings and annual meeting ÔDiscover other resources Ôgovernment agencies Ôuniversities Ôlocal governments

23 Future Ways to Promote GIS ÔDo YOU have ideas to help DOW? ÔPresentations ÔWorkgroup Development ÔAdditional in-house training

24 The End

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