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Basic Powerpoint NEXT. Viewing Your Slides Click on Slide Show and on View Show. The slide show will automatically be displayed on the screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Powerpoint NEXT. Viewing Your Slides Click on Slide Show and on View Show. The slide show will automatically be displayed on the screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Powerpoint NEXT

2 Viewing Your Slides Click on Slide Show and on View Show. The slide show will automatically be displayed on the screen.

3 Viewing Your Slides To move the slide show forward, click on the mouse button until the presentation is over. To end the viewer before the end of the show, click on Esc.

4 Viewing Your Slide Shows Click on View and then on Normal.

5 Viewing Your Slide Shows The Normal mode allows you to work on one slide at a time and to organize your slides structure.

6 Viewing Your Slide Shows Click on View and then on Slide Sorter.

7 Viewing Your Slide Shows The Slide Sorter mode allows you to view all of your slides in miniature. This mode is useful if you need to reorganize your slides, to add transition effects or animation or to set the timing.

8 Viewing Your Slide Shows Click on View and then Slide Show.

9 Viewing Your Slide Shows We have seen the Slide Show mode under Viewing Your Slides.

10 Viewing Your Slide Shows Click on View and then on Notes Page.

11 Viewing Your Slide Shows The Notes Page allows you to display and to add comments to your slides. You may also print your comments to help you with your presentations.

12 Headers and Footers Date and Time Here is how to add the date and time on each slide: Click on View and then on Header and Footer…

13 Headers and Footers In the section Date and time, you can either have an update automatically, which means that the date and time will always be up to date, or have a fixed date and time meaning that the displayed date and time would always be the same (creation date).

14 Headers and Footers To create a fixed date and time header, check Fixed. Enter the date you want to be displayed in your presentation. January 21th, 2007

15 Headers and Footers However, if you want the date and time to be automatically updated, check Update automatically.

16 Headers and Footers Here is how you can number your slides: In the same window, check the box next to Slide number.

17 Headers and Footers Here is how you can add text to each of your slides: In the same window, check the box next to Footer. In the box below, write the information you would like to see displayed at the bottom of each of your slides. An easy way to learn To see the date and time, the slide numbers and the text that you have entered in the footer, click on Apply to apply it on current slide or click on Apply to All to have that information on all of the slides.

18 Headers and Footers Your slide should now look like this:

19 Checking The Timings It is possible to program your slides to display for only a certain period of time or to give you an idea of how long your presentation will take. Click on Slide Show and then on Rehearse Timings.

20 Checking The Timings Your show will automatically be displayed with a timer in the top left corner. The first number in the timer indicates the length of time a slide is to be displayed; and the second number is how long the entire presentation took. When you click to change a slide, the timer starts over in the first box, but continues in the second box so that you can know how long your entire presentation took.

21 Checking The Timings When your presentation is finished, the following dialogue box is displayed showing the total duration of your presentation: Click on Yes to see the length of each slide.

22 Checking The Timings You can see the length of time each slide will be displayed.

23 Animations You can add animations to the content of your slides and apply it to your whole presentation. Here is how to proceed. First, select an object: Click on Slide Show and then on Preset Animation... and chose one of the options available. To view what the animation looks like, click on View and then on Slide Show.

24 Customizing The Animation You can add an animation to one specific part of your presentation and apply it to just that object, image or text. Each object, image or text will have to be created separately in order to have an animation. Click on Slide Show and then on Custom Animation...

25 Customizing The Animation In the section Check to animate slide objects, click on the object or text for which you would like to add an animation. In this case, we have clicked on Title 1.

26 Customizing The Animation You can edit or add animations for each of the objects, images or texts in your slides. Click on the tab Effects. In the section Entry animation and sound, click on the arrow at the end to choose an effect.

27 Customizing The Animation Add soun ds: click on the arro w at the end to selec t the soun d. Decide how your anim ation will be displ ayed: click on the arro w at the end selec t the anim ation.

28 Customizing The Animation To view your anim ation, click on Previ ew to view in the curre nt wind ow or in the menu View, Slide Show to see all the slide s unwin d. Click on OK to save your anim ation s.

29 Slide Transition You can add a transition to your slides. A transition allows you to add or change the effects introducing your slides during your slide show. You can add sound or add different transitions. Click on Slide Show and then on Slide Transition…

30 Slide Transition First, chose transitions in the list using the scroll bar to view the options. You may then choose the speed for the effect you have chosen. When you click on one option, you can preview the current slide transition in the box provided (you can see the box below provided for previewing transitions). You may add sound to your transitions. Click on the arrow at the end of (No Sound) to chose a sound that will be added to your slide transitions. Check the box Loop until next sound if you want the sound to play until the next sound. When you check the option On mouse click, it will allow you to go to the next slide with one mouse click. If you also chose Automatically after, the presentation will move to the next slide according to the time you indicated in this option or when you click with the mouse. To specify the time for your transitions, click on the top arrow to add time or on the lower arrow to cut down on the time. Click on Apply to All if you wish to use the same transition for all your slides. Click on Apply if you wish to apply the transition on just the active slide.

31 Saving Your Work in Web Format You may save your work as a Web Page. This means that you would save it as a folder containing.htm files and all other accompanying files. These files may then be transferred on a server for Internet users to access. Click on File and then on Save as Web Page…

32 Saving Your Work in Web Format 1.In the section Save in: find the location where you would like to save your files so that you will be able to retrieve them at a later date. 2.Then name your file. 3.When you have finished, click on Save.

33 End of Quick-Clics Basic Powerpoint Click To Restart

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