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 Russia  China  Korea  Used as food source in native regions.

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2  Russia  China  Korea  Used as food source in native regions



5  A man purchased two Northern Snakeheads to make a traditional soup  Man ended up just putting the fish in a tank  He later released the two snakeheads into a local pond

6  Crofton, Maryland is where the snakehead was first caught in May 2002  It was caught in pond where the man confessed to releasing the two fish two years earlier


8 JuneJuly  A second adult snakehead was caught in the Crofton pond  A fisheries biologist and a angler caught about 12 juveniles in the same pond  This meant that the snakeheads were reproducing

9  In August 2002 Fisheries Services treated the pond ◦ Diquat Dibromide and Glyphosate ◦ Rotenone was added to the pond two weeks later

10  Sharp teeth  Larger and protruded jaw  Dorsal fin has 49-50 rays  Anal fin has 31-32 rays


12  Post-larvae feed on plankton  Juveniles ◦ Crustaceans ◦ Fish larvae

13  Crustaceans  Frogs  Aquatic insects  Fish ◦ Perch ◦ Carp ◦ Bream


15  Slow moving water  Stagnant bodies of water  Muddy streams  Muddy substrate with vegetation  Bury themselves in the mud

16  Maximum size- 33 inches  Males are usually larger then females  Males have a higher dorsal fin


18  Pets ◦ Out grow tank ◦ Placed in ponds  Food Market ◦ Illegally import snakeheads for consumers




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