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LEADER AS COACH Chris Coffey Develop Yourself, Another, a Team.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADER AS COACH Chris Coffey Develop Yourself, Another, a Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEADER AS COACH Chris Coffey Develop Yourself, Another, a Team

2 PURPOSE Does coaching work? How and why does it work? How can we do it better?

3 Belief Set of Successful People I am Successful (+ & -) I will Succeed (+& -) I choose to Succeed (+ & -)

4 FOCUS Reduce “in spite of” behavior and build and refine “because of” behaviors Involve stakeholders Emphasize Feedforward Change our behavior and other’s perception in parallel

5 Unnoticeable Habits 1 Winning too much 2 Adding too much value 3 Making destructive comments 4 Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However 5 Let me explain why that won’t work 6 Failing to give proper recognition

6 Phases of Learning Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence

7 How we change Awareness of the need Reflection Insight Motivation to act



10 Most worked on leadership skill 1 Treat others with respect 2 Listen to different points of view with an open mind 3 Delegate more effectively 4 Stand up to individuals who undermine teamwork 5 Use the Situational Leadership Model consciously 6 Improve decisiveness (move fast, thoughtfully) 7 Address conflict constructively and timely 8 Collaborate with others (use dialogue and discussion consciously) 9 Develop and link team strategy to business strategy 10 Stand up for what I believe in 11 Hold others accountable 12 Challenge-up more appropriately 13 Focus on the critical few issues 14 Be more assertive 15 Take appropriate risks 16 Build cross functional relationships 17 Become a better coach to my team

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