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Class of 2018 Course Selection Deb Castinado Academic Counselor Barb Bruns College Counselor Ellen White Registrar.

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2018 Course Selection Deb Castinado Academic Counselor Barb Bruns College Counselor Ellen White Registrar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2018 Course Selection Deb Castinado Academic Counselor Barb Bruns College Counselor Ellen White Registrar

2 One semester down…… 7 more semesters to complete for graduation! 5 more before you apply for college!! Are you aware of all the opportunities at STA? Lets talk!!

3 What is our goal tonight?  1. To look at your transcript for the first time.  2. To review graduation requirements.  3. To learn about all the opportunities available as a Sophomore.  4. To choose classes and complete your course selection worksheet.

4 High School Transcripts  Official document that records each course you take per semester with your grade and credit earned.  67% and up receive credit (.5)  66% and below will not receive credit (.0)  Honors courses +5% added in GPA calculation  Semester GPA is calculated after every semester  Cumulative GPA will change after every semester  Work in Progress= classes currently taking  Grad Requirements= progress towards graduation in each required subject area.

5 Service Hours Reminder  Freshman = 20 hours of service  15 Corporal works + 5 Non Corporal  Due by April 15  Turn forms in to your Theology teacher  Forms found online under Catholic Outreach  Grade is P or F =.25 credit for a P  Contact Mr. Best &/your Theology teacher

6 Graduation requirements  4 credits (8 semesters)  Theology  English  3 credits  Math (4 suggested)  Science  Social Studies  3 World Language  3 Modern World Language ~or~  1 Latin + 2 Modern World Language  1 credit  Computer Technology  Fine Arts  Physical Education  Catholic Outreach (service hours)  ½ Credit  Speech  3.5 Credits  Electives  27 credits needed for Graduation.

7 Course selection sheet  Take out your course selection worksheet and confirm it has your name on the sticker.  We will step by step discuss each course option and then you will choose it by circling it or writing in the course number.  Use the Sophomore Course Availability Sheet as a quick guide.

8 Please remember  It is important to choose your course selections with accuracy.  Important decisions are made due to your selections!  Stay committed, you know you can do it!

9 Rule of Thumb to Pick Courses  1. Always check the prerequisites needed for a course before you select it from the Program of Studies book and your teacher recommendation.  2. Recommendations are viewed on Skyward under the Schedule, Courses 2015-16 tab.  3. Honors courses will set you on your way for potential college credit if recommended.

10 Theology (4 credits to graduate) Freshmen 2 semesters of Freshman Theology Sophomores 10A- Christ’s Mission in the Church 10B- Sacraments and Prayer Juniors 11 A- Morality 11B- Theology of the Body Seniors Faith and Reason Pick one- World Religions, Social Justice, Church History, Christian Lifestyles

11 Theology class completed  Note that both sophomore theology classes have already been selected for you  Theology 10 A #80295  Theology 10 B #80285

12 English (4 credits) ( Honors optional) English 1 Comp 1 or J-Comp Comp 2 or Creative Writing World Lit American Lit or American Media/Culture English 4

13 Choose your English class now  Comp 1Honors Comp 1  #30215#30205  J Comp 1Honors J Comp 1  #30225# 30203 **at least an 80 % in English for J Comp World LitHon World Lit #30235#30206 All Honors courses require summer reading!!

14 Multimedia News or Yearbook??  You must take the following for the prerequisites:  Journalistic Composition  Desktop Publishing (suggested)

15 Science (3 credits) Earth & Space Science Biology Chemistry 1 or Honors Chem 1 Physics 1 or Honors Physics 1 Honors Chemistry 2 (for seniors) Honors Physics 2 (for seniors) Anatomy & Physiology (for seniors) Honors College Biology (for seniors)

16 Choose your science class now  Earth & Space Science goes to Biology  Biology goes to Chemistry or Honors Chemistry  Honors Chemistry prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology AND minimum of Honors Algebra 1. See recs on Skyward.

17 Physical Education P.E. 9 P.E. 10 Advanced P.E. Weight Training 1 Weight Training 2

18 Choose a P.E. course now  Girls P.E. 10  #50215  Boys P.E. 10  #50275

19 Math (3 credits) **Starting point 8 th grade Math Algebra 1 Honors Alg. 1 Honors Algebra 1/ Honors Geometry Practical Geometry Geometry Honors Geometry Honors Geometry & Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 College Algebra/Trig *CC Algebra 3/ Trig Honors Pre-Calculus / Trig *CC Honors Statistics *CC Honors College Calculus 1 *CC Honors College Calculus 2 *CC

20 Choose your math class now  Typically…  Algebra 1 goes to Geom or Prac Geom  Honors Algebra 1 goes to Hon Geom  Honors Geom goes to H Alg 2  H Alg 1/H Geom goes to H Alg 2  H Geom/H Alg 2 goes to H Pre-Calc  Please note recommendations by your teacher on Skyward.

21 Honors Mathematics Courses  Prerequisite: Generally students should have a minimum grade of 86% in a preceding honors class or a minimum grade of a 94% in a regular class before enrolling in honors class.

22 Social Studies (3 credits; World History at least 1 semester, American History, Economics and Government) World History Honors World History Geography *Odd years Sociology 11-12 Honors American History American History 11 Psychology 11-12 American Government 12 Economics 12

23 Choose your Social Studies class ( if needed)  World History  #70151  Honors World History  #70103  One semester must be taken for KS State Dept. of Ed requirements another SS elective can complete the credit.  Can be taken in grade 9 or 10

24 World Language (3 credits to graduate) The modern world languages offered are French, German and Spanish Latin 1Modern 1Modern 2 Modern 1Modern 2 Modern 3 *CC Optional Modern 4

25 Choose your world language class now Basic Latin to Survey of World Languages Latin 1 to Modern Language 1 Honors Latin 1 to Modern Language 1 French 1 ▫ #4121 German 1 ▫ #5111 Spanish 1 ▫ #7121 Honors Spanish 1 ▫ #7102

26 Fine Arts

27 Drama & Theater Stagecraft Adv. Stagecraft Adv. DramaActing 1 Introduction to Theater

28 Visual Arts Foundations in ArtDesign Drawing or Painting Advanced Drawing & Painting 1 Advanced Drawing & Painting 2 Portfolio Prep CeramicsCeramics 2Senior Art

29 Music Chorale Jazz Band Zero hour Choir- See Mr. Heidesch Band- See Mr. Burgess Show Choir Zero hour Audition required Concurrent enrollment Chamber Choir Band Concert Choir

30 Consider a Fine Arts class now Foundations in Art ▫ #1115 Introduction to Theater ▫ #3165 Acting I ▫ #3275 Drafting #20311 Interior Design # 10335 c Chorale ▫ #3111 Concert Choir (per audition) ▫ #3121 Chamber Choir (per audition) #3122 Show Choir (per audition) ▫ Zero Hour ▫ #3151 Girls Show Choir (per audition) #3152 Band #3211 Jazz Band (per audition) ▫ Zero Hour ▫ #3281

31 Speech (1/2 credit) Speech Forensics (S2) Competitive (Zero Hr/ during day) Non-Competitive Debate (S1) Regular Advanced (zero hr) Honors Advanced

32 Interested? If so, choose one:  ForensicsDebate (Novice)  #30165#30155  Forensics (Zero Hour) Adv. Debate  #30865#30955  Non-Competitive Forensics  #30145

33 Technology (1 credit) Technology Apps Digital Creative Apps Basic Programming Desktop Publishing Fundamentals of Web Design Video Creation Summer options

34 Consider a technology class now *Technology Applications *Digital Creative Apps Desktop Publishing Web Design Basic Programming Video Creation

35 Other Electives:  Drafting (1 credit)  Foods 1  Clothing 1  Foundation of Art  Intro to Theatre  Acting 1  Interior Design  Geography (odd years)

36 Choose an alternate  Pick a course from your selection sheet that you would be willing to take if one of your course did not fit.

37 Total credits =7  Add up your credits to confirm you have a minimum of 7 credits.  If adding a zero hour both semesters = 8 credits

38 Summer school options We are offering this summer: ▫ Speech (AM) ▫ Technology Applications (AM) ▫ Web Design (PM) ▫ World History- Sem 1 (AM) Schedules will be posted on website

39 NEXT STEP 1. COMPLETE COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET at home. 2. BRING TO LAB TO ENROLL ONLINE NEXT week in Theology class. 3. PARENTS SIGN FINAL COMPUTER PRINT OUT AND RETURN TO ACADAMIC COUNSELING If adding credits over summer please note on your final print out.

40 Remember 4 things = SUCCESS  1. Pray every day for Christ to work through you to know your gifts and use them for His glory!  2. Strong academic course work to the best of your ability.  3. Activities & leadership at school and/or outside school  4. Community Service above and beyond We are proud to be called Saints!!

41 Core Character Strengths = Optimal well being 1. Curiosity 2. Grit 3. Gratitude 4. Optimism 5. Self- Control 6. Social Intelligence 7. Zest

42 2 Timothy 1:7  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

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