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Beef Cattle How breeds do you know?. Angus Black smooth coat Medium frame Males 1600-2000 lbs Females 1000-1400 lbs Good material ability Hardy Resistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Beef Cattle How breeds do you know?. Angus Black smooth coat Medium frame Males 1600-2000 lbs Females 1000-1400 lbs Good material ability Hardy Resistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beef Cattle How breeds do you know?

2 Angus Black smooth coat Medium frame Males 1600-2000 lbs Females 1000-1400 lbs Good material ability Hardy Resistant to harsh weather/Adaptable High carcass yields and marbling in the meat

3 Angus

4 Beefalo Bison crossed with any breed of cattle 3/8 bison and 5/8 bovine Very hardy Good foraging ability Calving ease Superior meat quality Easy handling with long hair

5 Beefalo

6 Beefmaster ½ Brahman, ¼ Hereford, ¼ Shorthorn Bulls 2000-2600 lbs Cows 1400-1800 lbs Mostly red Hardy and disease and insect resistant Good maternal traits Excellent growth and carcass value Docile

7 Beefmaster

8 Belgian Blue Large frame Prominent muscling White, blue roan, sometimes black Quite temperament Males average 1709 lbs and 53.2”

9 Belgian Blue

10 Belted Galloway Old breed Small framed Black with white belt long hair Good foragers perform well on poor land High weaning and calving % Hardy Very lean meat Bulls 1800-2000 lbs and cows 1000-1200 lbs Docile

11 Belted Galloway

12 Braford 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Hereford Superior maternal ability Early puberty High fertility Calving ease Good milk production

13 Braford

14 Brahman Hump and long floppy ears with saggy skin Male weigh from 1600 to 2200 lbs Calves are small at birth but grow quickly Calving ease Must be handled carefully Color light gray or red to almost black Tolerant of heat and disease

15 Brahman

16 Brahmousin 5/8 Limousin 3/8 Brahman

17 Brahmousin

18 Brangus 5/8 Angus 3/8 Brahman bulls 1800-2400 lbs Females 1200-1600 lbs Overall hardy Disease resistant Outstanding maternal instinct Solid black polled Withstand heat

19 Brangus

20 Charolais White or cream colored with pink muzzle and pale colored hooves Horned Large frame Deep broad body Efficient feedlot gain Bull 2000-2500 female 1250-2000

21 Charolais

22 Chianina Short coat white to steel gray in color Extensive well defined muscling Grows fast Short horns that curve forward Bull up to 4000 lbs and females 2400 lbs

23 Chianina

24 Gelbray Gelbvieh, Red Angus, Brahman cross High Fertility Early Puberty Good mothering instinct and milk Good beef production/cutability/quality Uniform type and color Adaptability/survivability

25 Gelbray

26 Gelbvieh Red horned or polled Superior fertility Calving ease and mothering ability Improved beef quality Bull 2220 – 2900 females 1400 lbs

27 Gelbvieh

28 Hereford Small to medium framed Curly hair, red with white head and underside Polled or horned Bulls 1800-2100 lbs cows 1100 – 1500 lbs

29 Hereford

30 Limousin Large Frame Straw yellow to reddish gold High daily gain and carcass value Few calving problems Handle with caution Bulls 2000 lbs Females 1300 lbs

31 Limousin

32 Red Angus Smooth Red coat Medium frame Bulls 2000 lbs Cows 1200- 1400 lbs Good mothering instinct Resistant to harsh weather adaptable High carcass yield with nicely marbles meat

33 Red Angus

34 Red Brangus 5/8 Red Angus 3/8 Brahman Overall hardy Good mothering instinct Resistant to heat and disease

35 Red Brangus

36 Santa Gertrudis 5/8 Shorthorn, 3/8 Brahman Bulls 2200- 2600 lbs Cows 1400-1800 lbs Deep Cherry color Heat and disease resistant Ease of calving Good mothering instinct and milk production Improved beef quality

37 Santa Gertrudis

38 Simbrah Simmental Brahman cross Early sexual maturity and fertility Good mothering ability and milk production Docile Heat and disease resistant hardy Good forage ability Rapid growth Good beef quality

39 Simbrah

40 Simmental Large frame Bulls 2200-2800 lbs Cows 1600 – 1700 lbs Docile Pale gold to dark reddish brown, usually head is white from front of eyes and lower legs are white

41 Simmental

42 Texas Longhorn Hardy Aggressive Adaptable Ease of calving Horns are expressive long and spreading Most are multicolored

43 Texas Longhorn

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