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Forum Kick-off Training  Nov 7-8, 2014  Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Forum Kick-off Training  Nov 7-8, 2014  Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forum Kick-off Training  Nov 7-8, 2014  Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church

2 Why A Forum? Why A Forum?  Go and make disciples of all nations  Matt 28:19  Pray the Lord of the harvest will send workers  Matt 9:38  Parable of the talents  Matt 25:14-30

3 How Do We Disciple the Nations? How Do We Disciple the Nations?  Goer  Sender  Enabler

4 Objectives for this Session Objectives for this Session 1. Be able to explain the content and purpose of the Forum to someone who has never heard of it 2. Understand church coordinators job description 3. Be familiar with promotional tools available 4. Understand the eleven-week church countdown schedule

5 What is MissionNext? MissionNext is a ministry organization dedicated to connecting people with the good works God is preparing them to do for the Kingdom.

6 What is MissionNext? Areas of Focus Finishers Project – Boomers and above MissionXplore – Younger adults MissionTeach – Educators BAMmatch – Business as Mission

7 What is MissionNext? How we do that in practice Connect people with ministry opportunities matching their interests and life experience using web matching ……The eHarmony of the missions world The Journey Deepens – Weekend retreats Forums – Weekend seminars

8 Who should attend a Forum?  A weekend seminar for individuals desiring to invest their lives well for God’s Kingdom ………The parable of the Talents

9 Forum Goals  Enable churches to mobilize their people to learn God’s next step for them in service …….Make disciples  Provide a concrete path for people that want to serve God locally or internationally ……Workers for the harvest

10 Forum Content Plenary God’s Heart For the World Workshops Practical Issues Networking Peers Ministry Reps

11 Plenary Sessions  Worship, music and teaching on the Biblical call to Disciple the Nations.

12 Seminars  Eighteen different seminars to discuss practical issues with those that have been there

13 Networking  Interact with Mission Agency reps to talk about opportunities to serve

14 Forum Schedule  Friday 7:00 pm  Welcome/opening sessions  Networking with ministry organizations  Saturday  7:00 Continental breakfast available  8:00 Opening session and ministry networking  10:00 Breakout seminars  Noon lunch – Plenary session around lunch tables  1:00 Breakout seminars  2:30 Breakout seminars  3:30 Ministry networking  4:00 Closing session  5:00 pm Adjourn

15 Registration Registration is online at click on: Registration cost is $69 ($89 after Oct 25) Admission to all Plenary sessions, Breakouts and Networking sessions Continental breakfast Lunch Conference notebook

16 About the Money  MissionNext staff raise their own support  2 part-time paid office people  Mission agencies pay a booth fee  Sponsoring churches help cover expenses  Registration fee covers travel expenses for guest speakers, seminar leaders, lunch and notebooks  Excess funds, if any, go to pay for MissionNext website mgt and design and office staff

17 Registration Fees  Everyone pays to attend  There are two free scholarships for every 20 people your church signs up  Some churches underwrite cost for their people to attend

18 Church Coordinators Role  Primary point of contact  Church-wide awareness  Employ multi-pronged approach to promote the Forum  Provide a compelling presentation about the Forum  Targeted messaging  Frequently & Consistently  Use available ‘tools’/content  Leverage all local church communication channels

19 Church Coordinators Role  Recruit team: Prayer / Presenters / Information table  Coordinate with pastor/church staff  Church leadership support is key  Keep leadership in the loop  Provide periodic updates  Follow/respect church protocols  Implement “Countdown Schedule”  Explain registration process  Offer in-church registration assistance to those who are computer illiterate  Goal: minimum of 20 registrants

20 Promotional Tools  - SE Michigan Forum / Events / Host a Forum / Leadership Team Notes  Eleven-week countdown schedule  Color flyers & Posters (available as handouts)  Talking Points  MissionNext logo  Church Bulletin inserts (available as handouts)  Church Bulletin text/paragraph  2-minute video  PowerPoint Deck  MissionNext website

21 Promotional Channels  Face-to-Face: Personal Invitation to all !!!  Preferred & most effective way to communicate!!  Announcements during Sunday Worship  Sunday School Classes  Church & Community Bible Study Groups  Home Groups  Choir  Prayer Groups  Staffed Information Table

22 Promotional Channels  Church website w/link to MissionNext website  Sunday Bulletin / Newsletter  Email  Facebook  Twitter  Digital Signage  Bulletin Boards

23 What Really Works  Social Media is growing by leaps and bounds  It certainly has its place BUT …… Personal invitations are critical !!!  Like church attendance, people respond best to one- on-one interaction.

24 Countdown Highlights  Church leadership on board  Build promotional calendar  Use the best tools for your church in conjunction with church media person  Multiple contracts with adults  Congregation  Adult classes  Home groups  Bible studies …… Personal invitations are critical……

25 Who You Gonna Call? Sue Walker 810-227-1886 Janine Fruehan 248-701-8689 Dave Estill 480-248-0643

26 Summary  You are a guiding hand to “Investing your talents well”  Meet often with your prayer partner  Make sure you are on Forum prayer chain  Talk to church leadership immediately  Build your promotion schedule by Aug 22 using the Eleven-week Countdown

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