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OCLC Webinar October 14, 2010 Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder Sarah L. Shreeves University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "OCLC Webinar October 14, 2010 Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder Sarah L. Shreeves University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCLC Webinar October 14, 2010 Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder Sarah L. Shreeves University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1.0

2 Do you know what your faculty are doing?

3 Libraries Can we find a better/easier/more convenient way to get content into our IRs? How do we know if we’re meeting funder/institutional open access mandates? Can we personalize discussions about scholarly communication issues with faculty? Where are faculty publishing? Is that changing over time?

4 Faculty/Departments Can we quickly generate a current publication list to insert in grant applications / annual reports / prospective graduate students? Can’t I just give you a paper to upload to the repository? Is there another researcher on campus working in this area?

5 Administrators What collaborations are happening across campus? With other campuses? Are we meeting our funder/institutional open access mandates? Which faculty are publishing in high profile journals (eg Nature or Science)? What are the strengths of a department or research group?


7 BibApp developed by…. University of Wisconsin- Madison ================ Eric Larson Dorothea Salo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign =============== Bill Ingram Sarah Shreeves Duraspace ======= Tim Donohue With generous support from the Illinois Informatics Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

8 Faculty directory information + Publication lists + Sherpa/Romeo publisher policy database + OpenURL resolver + Google Books + Google Charts + SWORD (for repository connection) = -----------------------------------------------

9 Demo











20  Development Ups and Downs 1.0RC1 1.0

21 Data Visualization

22 Import in Batch RIS Medline Refworks XML More coming... (extendable parsing model)

23 Deduplication

24 Import Batch to a Person Multiple “pen names”

25 Suggest new “pen names” 

26 Simple guesses at author

27 Simple guesses at authorship

28 Edit / Add Single Work 

29 Simple Authority Records For Publications & Publishers

30 Import to your Repository  Deposit License & Repository Name pulled in via SWORD

31 Share your Data  All data in BibApp available in XML, JSON, YAML, & RDF

32 Share your Data - XML

33 Share your Data - RDF

34 BibApp Roadmap – What’s Next?  Looking for development partners  1.0 Release (Summer 2010)  1.1 Release (this winter)  More data visualizations  Social graph – who’s working with whom?  Improved authentication & authorization LDAP/AD Single sign-on (Shibboleth, CAS)

35 Our Technology Bits COinSOpenURL OR

36 What are the challenges?

37 Metadata Mess Incorrect citations from publishers Many, many, many variations on author names, journal names, publisher names Inconsistent use of formats like RIS Incorrect use of formats like RIS Incorrect citations from faculty (!)

38 Author Disambiguation (watching ORCID very closely)

39 Ease of Data Gathering Althaus, S. L. (2001). Who's voted in when the people tune out? Information effects in congressional elections. In Hart, R. P. and Shaw, D. R. (Eds.), Communication in U.S. elections: new agendas. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 33- 53.

40 Who owns the keywords and abstracts? Generally the publisher or the abstract/index service

41 What are the opportunities?

42 HistorySpeech Communication

43 HistorySpeech Communication

44 Example: History Dept at Illinois


46 Why don’t we have better management and control of these outputs? Informed decisions for library collections Better, data-driven discussions with faculty and departments Easier to identify material to go into institutional repositories Promotion of departmental and individual research Better understanding of the collaborations happening around campus

47 Contact Information Sarah Shreeves - BibApp download and other info at: BibApp on Google Groups: BibApp on Twitter: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License

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