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African Slave Trade GPS: SS7H1: The student will analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. Element A: Explain how the European.

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Presentation on theme: "African Slave Trade GPS: SS7H1: The student will analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. Element A: Explain how the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Slave Trade GPS: SS7H1: The student will analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. Element A: Explain how the European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries.

2 Essential Question:  What was the impact of the slave trade on Africa and Europe?

3 Slave Trade  Twenty million Africans were transported to the Americas during more than 300 years of the transatlantic trade.

4 Slave Trade  Played an important role in European economic development and its transition to capitalism.

5 Human Capital  Investing in humans.  Ex: Education, Training, Service, etc.

6 Slave Trade  On the continent of Africa, the western and central areas were dramatically impacted by a drain of human capital.

7 Your Turn….Advantages and Disadvantages of the Slave Trade (Individually). African AdvantagesEuropean Advantages African DisadvantagesEuropean Disadvantages

8 African Slave Trade 15th - 19th Centuries: Triangular Trade

9 3 Member Group Work  Directions: Read three narratives  1 - From a Christian African King  2 - By a French Slave Trader  3 - An African who was enslaved and sent to America when he was only 11 years old.

10 African AdvantagesEuropean Advantages *slavery provided profit for a few collaborators, which did nothing for Africa’s overall development. *In times of famine, some Africans avoided starvation by selling themselves into slavery. *Slavery was a profitable trade. *Slavery was a bountiful source of cheap labor to help run plantations. *Slavery helped build a capital base which fueled the Industrial Revolution.

11 African Disadvantages  Slavery tore apart communities and families.

12 African Disadvantages  Slavery depopulated the labor base.

13 African Disadvantages  Slavery hindered African economic development.

14 African Disadvantages  Enslaved Africans were transported in brutal conditions, shackled together with chains, and forced to lie in rat infested filth. Many died covered in vomit and human waste.

15 African Disadvantages  Enslaved Africans were treated as commodities.

16 African Disadvantages  Africans received only trinkets and guns as part of the triangular trade. Mini fact: Trinkets are simply junk.

17 African Disadvantages  Some Africans began to desire merchandise and would even sell other Africans into slavery in order to get what they wanted.

18 African Disadvantages  The enslaved Africans were beaten, branded with irons, and given very little food or clothes.

19 European Disadvantages  Slavery was morally repugnant (offensive, disgusting).

20 European Disadvantages  Slavery compromised efforts of Christian missionaries.

21 Your Turn  1. What were some of the reasons Europeans sought to enslave Africans?

22  2. What were some of the reasons why Africans sold fellow Africans into slavery?

23  3. How were enslaved Africans treated by the traders and their masters?

24  4. How long did the slave trade last?

25  5. Why did the European countries gradually abolish the slave trade and, eventually, slavery altogether?

26  6. What were the overall effects of slavery on the development of Africa? Europe?

27 Conclusion  Essential QUESTION: What was the impact of the slave trade on Africa and Europe?

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