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The Simple Past Le Passé Simple. When to use it? In such writing and speech, the “passé simple” is used alongside the imperfect, just as in everyday speech/writing,

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Presentation on theme: "The Simple Past Le Passé Simple. When to use it? In such writing and speech, the “passé simple” is used alongside the imperfect, just as in everyday speech/writing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Simple Past Le Passé Simple

2 When to use it? In such writing and speech, the “passé simple” is used alongside the imperfect, just as in everyday speech/writing, the passé composé and imperfect are used together. The “passé simple”, translated in English as either simple past, preterite or historical past. It is the equivalent of the passé composé, which means that it is used only in formal writing (e.g., historical and literary writing) and very formal speech.

3 How is it formed? The passé simple of regular verbs is formed by dropping the infinitive ending and adding the passé simple endings. ER -ai-as-a-âmes-âtes-èrent parler = parl manger = mange Lancer= lanç parlai parlas parla parlâmes parlâtes parlèrent mangeai mangeas mangea mangeâmes mangeâtes mangèrent lançai lanças lança lançâmes lançâtes lançèrent Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous ils?/elles

4 How is it formed? IR/RE -is -it-îmes-îtes-irent Finir= fin Rendre= rend Voir= v finis finit finîmes finîtes finirent rendis rendit rendîmes rendîtes rendirent vis vit vîmes vîtes virent Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous ils?/elles

5 Irregular verbs you need to know avoir 'to have’ j'eusnous eûmes tu eusvous eûtes Il/elle/on eutils / elles eurent être 'to be’ je fusnous fûmes tu fusvous fûtes Il /elle/ on futils / elles furent faire 'to do’ je fisnous fîmes tu fisvous fîtes Il/elle/on fitils / elles firent aller 'to go’ J’allainous allâmes tu allasvous allâtes Il/elle/on allails / elles allèrent

6 Exercises Verbes en ‘er Verbes en ‘ir Être/ avoir/faire/aller Conjugemos

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