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By: Student in 2010 The Cheyenne of the Great Plains Links The Cheyenne’s Way of Life How Horses Changed Their Way of Life Links The Cheyenne’s Way of.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Student in 2010 The Cheyenne of the Great Plains Links The Cheyenne’s Way of Life How Horses Changed Their Way of Life Links The Cheyenne’s Way of."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Student in 2010 The Cheyenne of the Great Plains Links The Cheyenne’s Way of Life How Horses Changed Their Way of Life Links The Cheyenne’s Way of Life How Horses Changed Their Way of Life

2 The Cheyenne’s Way of Life How Horses Changed Their Way of Life Links

3 The Cheyenne’s Way of Life The Cheyenne both hunted and farmed. They grew corn, beans, squash, and pumpkins. Their homes were lodges that were built near rivers so they would have water for their crops. Lodges were round huts built over holes in the ground. The Cheyenne hunted buffalo and other animals for their meat. They used the buffalo hides for clothing and blankets. The horns were made into bowls. The stomach of the buffalo was used for cooking pots for stew. While hunting buffalo, they would disguise themselves as other animals and sneak up on the buffalo. They also would run the buffalo over a cliff. The Cheyenne lived in tepees while they were on the hunt. The women would set up poles in a circle with the tops together. Then they would cover the poles with buffalo hides. While they were on the move, the Cheyenne would use a travois to carry their meat and other supplies. A travois is made of poles tied together, pulled by dogs.

4 How Horses Changed Their Way of Life The Spaniards brought the horses to North America in the 1500’s. In the late 1700’s some of the descendants of those horses were tamed by the Cheyenne. The Cheyenne also raided other tribes to get horses and traded to get them. The horse made hunting buffalo easier. The horse allowed the travois to be weighted down more because the horse would pull the travois. It was stronger than the dogs and could move faster. The Cheyenne measured their wealth in horses.

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