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TRAINING SERIES WIA Adult Eligibility WIA Workforce Investment Act.

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2 TRAINING SERIES WIA Adult Eligibility WIA Workforce Investment Act

3 ELIGIBILITY To participate in WIA programs, adults must meet program- specific eligibility requirements.

4 General Eligibility Requirements Age at time of registration/participation [Act 101(1) and 20 CFR 663.110] Citizenship or Authorization to Work [Act 188(a)(5)] Selective Service Registrant (if applicable) [Act 189(f)]

5 ELIGIBILITY FOR INTENSIVE SERVICES AND TRAINING When WIA adult funds are limited, local boards must establish a process for giving priority of service to individuals who are low-income or receive public assistance.

6 PRIORITY OF SERVICE Local Priority of Service policy may take into account:  availability of other funds for providing employment and training-related services in the local area  the needs of the specific groups within the local area  Consideration should be given to individuals with multiple barriers to employment and those who would receive training for non- traditional employment.  other appropriate factors

7 PRIORITY OF SERVICE If local board determines that WIA adult funds are not limited, the priority of service does not apply. Boards must follow their approved procedures to make such a determination.

8 EMPLOYED WORKERS WIA also allows the training of employed workers under certain circumstances. The training must be for jobs that lead to self-sufficient wages. Self-sufficiency is defined as employment that pays at least the lower living standard income level, as defined in WIA, Section 101(24). Local boards must set the criteria for determining whether employment leads to self-sufficiency. Note: The self-sufficiency definition can be found in the local board’s Workforce Services Plan [20 CFR 663.230] The boards should consider the special needs of individuals with disabilities or other barriers to employment when setting criteria to determine self-sufficiency.

9 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Low-Income Categories  Cash Assistance. Individual receives public cash assistance or is member of a family that receives public cash assistance  Food Stamps. Individual is a member of a household that receives Food Stamps or was determined eligible for Food Stamps during six- month period before application Verification Public Assistance Records/ Printout

10 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Low-Income Categories  Homeless. An individual that lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence. Any individual who has a primary night-time residence that is: a.a publicly or privately operated shelter institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized c.a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act Section 103 (a) and (c)

11 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Homeless Verification Written statement from an individual providing temporary assistance or social service agency Applicant statement/self attestation, in limited cases

12 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Low-Income Categories:  Foster Child Verification Court records Verification of payments made on behalf of child Written statement from state/local agency

13 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Family Income:  The individual has an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income that does not exceed the poverty guidelines.

14 LOW INCOME DEFINITION Low-Income Determination for an Individual with a Disability IIf an individual has a disability and is a member of a family whose income does not meet the low-income requirement, that individual may be counted as a Family of One. Only the client’s income will then be included in the calculation to determine whether he meets the low-income criterion.

15 RECORDING LOW-INCOME The actual annualized income amount must be recorded in the State Management Information System (Employ Florida Marketplace) It is acceptable to enter “0” if the individual has no includable income or if the individual receives food stamps or cash assistance. An applicant who has no income or public assistance must submit a statement that explains how he or she was supported.

16 Questions or Additional Information  If you have any questions or for additional information, please contact DEO’s WIA policy and technical assistance staff at:

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