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Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo Anno accademico 2010/11 Storytelling as a device to support cultural and political changement in democratic societies.

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Presentation on theme: "Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo Anno accademico 2010/11 Storytelling as a device to support cultural and political changement in democratic societies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo Anno accademico 2010/11 Storytelling as a device to support cultural and political changement in democratic societies Università degli Studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Relatore: Prof. Andrea Fontana Correlatore: Prof. Guido Legnante

2 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo Defining Storytelling It’s a methodology and discipline that uses the principles of rhetoric and narratology to create affecting stories in which the audience can recognize Biographical reading of the audience Design storytelling-drive operation (literary genre, plot, rhetoric,characters,hero, mentor, ecc) Use the right media Biographical reading of the audience Design storytelling-drive operation (literary genre, plot, rhetoric,characters,hero, mentor, ecc) Use the right media Strategic plans Main area Politics Economics Art Medicine Psychology Dance …….. Politics Economics Art Medicine Psychology Dance ……..

3 The Narrative Bridge Guarantee story: to assure the audience Guarantee story: to assure the audience Biographical story Identifying Involvment Sense making Identifying Involvment Sense making Representative story: to introduce the political choices, future aims (future story), the strategy (positioning story), the events passed (event story) Representative story: to introduce the political choices, future aims (future story), the strategy (positioning story), the events passed (event story) Story made by audience Story made by policy Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

4 The development of democracy Storytelling Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

5 The French Revolution Storytelling analysis The supremacy of democracy storytelling on monarchy storytelling The values of democracy storytelling: liberté, égualité, fraternité Mythe: popular sovereignty Characterization of hero Happy ending: division in three acts The supremacy of democracy storytelling on monarchy storytelling The values of democracy storytelling: liberté, égualité, fraternité Mythe: popular sovereignty Characterization of hero Happy ending: division in three acts 1788-1799 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

6 American War of Independence Storytelling analysis The supremacy of democracy storytelling on monarchy storytelling The values of democracy storytelling: independence, liberté Development of guarantee storytelling: freemason storytelling Mythe: Independence from motherland Characterization of hero Happy ending The supremacy of democracy storytelling on monarchy storytelling The values of democracy storytelling: independence, liberté Development of guarantee storytelling: freemason storytelling Mythe: Independence from motherland Characterization of hero Happy ending 1775-1783 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

7 Comparison between Storytelling structures History case Representative story Guarantee story Hero Happy ending Revolutionary story Independence Story Freemason story Pilgrims fathers United States of America Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

8 The supremacy of democracy Storytelling in contemporary age

9 Democracy Storytelling in contemporary age (I) Resolution: International Organisation to garantee peace and common welfare. Onu (1945), Nato (1949), Unesco (1945, Fao (1945), Wto (1995). After World Wars Myth: the nuclear Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

10 Guarantee story: made by international organizations Guarantee story: made by international organizations Biographical story Myth: peace, safety and good life Myth: peace, safety and good life Representative story: made by policy Representative story: made by policy Story made by audience Story made by policy Structure of democracy Storytelling (I) Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

11 Resolution: design a New World Order. Common political, cultural and economic policies Democracy Storytelling in contemporary age (II) XXI Century Critical issue: The war Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

12 Guarantee story: ???????????? Guarantee story: ???????????? Biographical story Myth: New World Order Representative story: ???????????? Representative story: ???????????? Story made by audience Story made by policy Structure of democracy Storytelling (II) Counterstorytelling: to fill the narrative gap left from guarantee story Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

13 The power of Counterstorytelling

14 Effects: Conspiracy theories Counterstorytelling created by american people Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

15 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale Tesi di laurea di Benedetta Salvadeo

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