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W ELCOME B ACK Good job Chandler Football!!! College football was crazy this weekend! ASU won 58-23! Finishing children this week- starting adolescence.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME B ACK Good job Chandler Football!!! College football was crazy this weekend! ASU won 58-23! Finishing children this week- starting adolescence."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME B ACK Good job Chandler Football!!! College football was crazy this weekend! ASU won 58-23! Finishing children this week- starting adolescence next week Monday



4 A TTACHMENT Emotional tie with another person shown by seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation Body contact, familiarity, and responsiveness all contribute to attachment.

5 H ARRY H ARLOW Did research with infant monkeys on how body contact relates to attachment What makes the mother so important? Took the monkeys away from their mother The monkeys had to chose between a cloth mother or a wire mother that provided food.

6 H ARRY H ARLOW -R ESULTS The monkeys spent most of their time by the cloth mother, even though it did not have food! com/watch?v=hsA5S ec6dAI


8 H ARLOW CONCLUSIONS It was the touching, and physical response that mattered, not the feeding This is called contact comfort, or tactile touch Monkeys cling to their mothers because of the need for contact comfort

9 F AMILIARITY Sense of contentment with that which is already known. Infants form attachments to parents at 6 months when they can recognize them from one person to another 6 months- 3 years attachment is strong

10 S TRANGER A NXIETY The fear of strangers that infants commonly display, even when the mother is present Begins around 8 months of age

11 S EPARATION A NXIETY When the child is suddenly separated from the mother and is anxious. If separation persists, the child may develop psychological disorders

12 I MPRINTING A process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period early in life Konrad Lorenz studied imprinting with geese Found that they attached themselves to whatever moved first

13 I MPRINTING Tom & Jerry: PBYySnwHxc PBYySnwHxc

14 C RITICAL P ERIOD A specific time in development when certain skills or abilities are most easily learned If the goslings imprinted on a human, they would later learn to follow their mother Important for survival purposes

15 B LOCK P ERIOD Let’s see how your parents screwd up- just kidding!!! Activities and TED talks

16 R ESPONSIVENESS Responsive parents are aware of what their children are doing. Unresponsive parents ignore their children-- helping only when they want to.

17 S ECURELY OR I NSECURELY A TTACHED Securely attached – children will explore their environment when primary caregiver is present Insecurely attached – children will appear distressed and cry when caregiver leaves. Will cling to them when they return

18 E FFECTS OF A TTACHMENT Secure attachment predicts social competence. Deprivation of attachment is linked to negative outcome. A responsive environment helps most infants recover from attachment disruption.

19 A CTIVITY : C ULTURE AND A TTACHMENT The sheet that you had yesterday, get it out Respond the the scenario and question. Collecting this in 15 minutes


21 P ARENTAL P ATTERNS Daumrind’s three main parenting styles Authoritarian parenting Permissive parenting Authoritative parenting One Extra: Uninvolved Parenting

22 A UTHORITARIAN : Children are expected to follow the strict rules established by the parents Failure to follow rules results in punishment. Parents fail to explain the reasoning behind rules. If asked to explain, the parent might simply reply, "Because I said so." These parents have high demands, but are not responsive to their children.

23 E FFECTS OF A UTHORITARIAN S TYLE Lead to children who are obedient and proficient, but they rank lower in happiness, social competence and self- esteem

24 P ERMISSIVE : F REEDOM WITHOUT LIMITS. Definition: Parents allow their children to do their own thing. Little respect for order and routine. Parents make few demands on children. Parents are resources rather than standard makers Rarely punish Children walk all over the parents

25 E FFECTS OF P ERMISSIVE P ARENTING Children Are: Aggressive Least self— reliant Least self- controlled Least exploratory Most unhappy

26 A UTHORITATIVE Definition: Middle ground between the two above Parents set limits and enforce rules Willing to listen receptively to child’s requests and questions. Exert firm control when necessary, but explain reasoning behind it. Respect children’s interest, opinions, unique personalities. Loving, consistent, demanding

27 E FFECTS OF D EMOCRATIC S TYLE Mostly self-reliant Content, friendly tend to result in children who are happy, capable and successful

28 U NINVOLVED PARENTING STYLE Sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child's needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive or even completely neglectful.

29 C HARACTERISTICS Are emotionally distant from their children Offer little or no supervision Show little warmth, love, and affection towards their children Have few or no expectations or demands for behavior Don't attend school events and parent-teacher conferences May intentionally avoid their children Are often too overwhelmed by their own problems to deal with their children

30 E FFECTS : Children raised by uninvolved parents: Must learn to provide for themselves Fear becoming dependent on other people Are often emotionally withdrawn Tend to exhibit more delinquency during adolescence Feel fear, anxiety, or stress due to the lack of family support


32 V IDEO Q UIZ ! arenting+styles

33 A CTIVITY : In groups of one or two, develop a case study based on the parenting style that I assign you. The case study should be about a situation in which a child or teen interacts with their parents. This case study must be 5 sentences long, and describe the actions of the parents and the reactions of their child. Do not let another group know your parenting style- it is their job to guess (a SECRET!). When you are done, you will read them out loud to the class and see if you can guess which parenting style they are describing.

34 E XAMPLE : Jada really wants to go on a boating trip with her friends for the weekend. She knows that if she talks to her parents about the trip, they may or may not let her go. After dinner, she asks her parents if they would let her go or not. Her parents ask if there will be adults there, the phone numbers of the adults, if there will be boys there, and who of Jada’s friends are going. They tell Jada that after talking to her and her friends parents, they will make a decision. After finding out that no adults will be on the trip, they decided not to let her go. Jada understands, and although she is disappointed, she understands their worries and why they are not letting her go. What parenting style am I? What would the reaction be for the other parents?

35 A NOTHER E XAMPLE : Brian asked his parents for $200 for a new pair of shoes today, and even though they are in debt, they gave it to him anyway. When his brother begged for McDonald’s for dinner by having a temper tantrum, the parents gave in and got what he wanted. When Brian’s sister did not come home until 3am last night, his parents did nothing about it. Brian is not very happy, and finds that all the things that he wants are making his parents miserable. What parenting style am I? What would the reaction be for the other parents?

36 N UMBERS 1. Authoritarian parenting 2. Permissive parenting 3. Authoritative parenting 4. Uninvolved Parenting


38 TED T ALK Parenting Response: rents_happiness_is_a_very_high_bar/transcript?l anguage=en


40 S OCIALIZATION Socialization- learning the rules and behavior of the culture in which in individual is born and will live Includes learning to live with yourself and with other people Learning to share and play with others at an early age Adapting the rules of your family to the rules of society

41 C AN BE FLEXIBLE Can be clear or flexible, changing from situation to situation and person to person or over time Boys – express aggression but not fear Girls – express emotion but not ambition


43 F REUD - P SYCHOSEXUAL D EVELOPMENT All children are born with powerful sexual and aggressive urges By learning to control these impulses one develops a sense of what is right and wrong

44 S TAGE 1- O RAL STAGE Pleasure seeking is focused on the mouth- eating, sucking, biting Weaning a child from nursing is frustrating and a source of conflict- first experience with not getting what he or she wants Up until about 18 months old

45 S TAGE 2- A NAL S TAGE Pleasure seeking centered on functions of elimination-going to the bathroom Toilet training teaches a child to curb their freedom and social control, first experience with discipline and authority 1 ½- 3 years

46 S TAGE 3- P HALLIC S TAGE Children become aware of the differences between themselves and members of the opposite sex The child become a rival for the affections of the parent of the opposite sex 4-6 years

47 C OMPLEXES Oedipus Complex-The boy wants to win his mother and wants to kill his father Electra Complex-The girl wants her father and tries to kill her mother Unconscious level

48 S TAGE 4- L ATENCY S TAGE Sexual thoughts are repressed and the child focuses on developing social and intellectual skills, the beginnings of concern for others Sublimation- redirecting sexual impulses into learning tasks Ages 6-puberty

49 S TAGE 5- G ENITAL S TAGE Adulthood Sexual desires and renewed and the individual seeks relationships with others, deriving satisfaction from giving and receiving pleasure, adoption of adult responsibilities According to Freud, personality development is complete


51 T RUST VS. M ISTRUST Birth to Year 1 Children either build trust or mistrust through the care, comfort, and love provided by caregivers. Feeding

52 A UTONOMY VS. S HAME /D OUBT 1-3 Years Children become more independent and either learn to feel confident and self-sufficient or insecure and filled with doubt. Toilet Training

53 I NITIATIVE VS. G UILT 3-6 years Children begin to assert power and control of their environment. Success leads to feelings of productivity, while failure can result in guilt. Example:Exploration/reading

54 I NDUSTRY VS. I NFERIORITY 7-11 years Children begin to establish competence in school and other areas. Failure at this stage leads to feelings of inferiority and helplessness. School

55 I DENTITY VS. R OLE C ONFUSION Adolescence Teens try to establish a sense of personal identity. Those who are successful gain a strong sense of self, while those who fail experience role confusion and poor self- identity. Social Relationships

56 I NTIMACY VS. I SOLATION Adulthood Romantic and other close relationships are the focus of this stage. The ability to form loving relationships leads to long-term healthy relationships. Failure at this stage can result in loneliness and isolation. Personal Relationships

57 G ENERATIVITY VS. S TAGNATION Adulthood Adults feel the need to contribute to the future and create things that will outlast them. Success at this stage leads to feelings of accomplishment, while failure results in stagnation. Work and Parenthood

58 I NTEGRITY VS. D ESPAIR Adulthood Success at this stage leaders to feelings of contentment and peace with the life one has lived, while failure leads to bitterness, regret, and despair. Reflection on Life

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