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Herbst Insight The complete office solution for business & management with fully integrated accounts Features.

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1 herbst Insight The complete office solution for business & management with fully integrated accounts Features

2               Herbst Insight boasts a unique grid view system, which presents the data in a familiar spreadsheet format with flexible sorting, filtering and analysis capabilities. User specific views can be created and users can also manipulate their own views. Unique on-screen grid views Analysis tools Filtering Sorting Summarising Customise and define columns Generate a report from the grid view On-screen Reporting and Analysis herbst Insight

3       Click on Quick View to view one or more records in more detail and flick between the various tabs to gain the aspect you wish, for instance you may want to check a customer’s sales history, credit control rating, trading terms or contact details or analyse a group of records together. Quick Views Summary pages Drill-down facility herbst Insight Features Drill-down to Track Details

4     One time entry means an original document can be converted or cloned into another without having to rekey all the data and edited if and when required. For instance you can convert Order to Delivery Docket and then Invoice to Credit Note. There is a Quick Edit facility allowing you to update key data across multiple records in a quick and efficient manner. One-time entry transactions Edit records just in the lists herbst Insight Features Quick Entry and Quick Edit

5       Herbst Insight offers great security and user rights control. Data can be made available or concealed from users as required and all data changes to objects tracked within the Security Log. Herbst Insight makes available to users those aspects of the system that they need to perform their tasks. Full company Security Log Multi-user Full user rights control herbst Insight Features Security and User Rights

6                 There are numerous pre-configured, but highly customisable reports for each module - sales, purchases, bank and cash, nominal ledger, products, etc. All reports, forms and views can be customised in accordance with the business and/or user needs. Wide range of predefined reports Customise the existing reports Create new reports Batch reporting Export all reports to Excel or Word Send reports as mail attachments Send reports as a fax Reporting herbst Insight Features

7                 Insight supports a full range of transactions from purchases through to stock control, sales, bank and cash and ultimately the Nominal Ledger entries. Full range of transactions Clone and convert the transactions Company Daybook transaction log Contracts Print documents from anywhere in the program Show items on a document at a glance Full relationship between documents Recurring transactions Transactions herbst Insight Features

8                 Sales and Purchases Ledgers are tightly integrated with the products module. Stock levels are easily maintained and tracked. The stock reorder report facilitates stock control by comparing the supply and demand for each product, highlighting any current or potential shortfalls. You can view increase/ decrease in quantity, running quantity, cost in and cost out and drill down to see more information. Full sales and purchase analysis Historical record of all transactions for all products and services Summary sheet analysing Product status as at certain date Outstanding qty and values Sales and purchases for certain period Profit analysis Best customer and supplier Adjustment analysis Stock Control herbst Insight Features

9                       With so much information stored against your debtors and creditors, debit/credit control need no longer be such a nightmare. With numerous reports and user definable views you can track the status of outstanding invoices easily including outstanding balances and last payment date and issue dunning letters and customer statements to debtors as required. Credit control analysis Show all due transactions Complete historical analysis Full drill down from transaction to original document Use reminders for overdue accounts View sales by period, by product or by transaction Service charges Allow contras with suppliers Summary sheet Transfer balances from one customer to another State specific Nominal Leger accounts for each customer herbst Insight Features Debtor and Creditor Control

10                 The Bank and Cash module is extremely powerful with on-line multi-document and bank statement reconciliation. The accounts list shows you bank and cash accounts and their properties such as balance and cleared balance, etc. Also the balances can be viewed in the default transaction currencies or consolidated into one. Real-time link from Sales Ledger and Purchase Ledger On-line bank reconciliation Complete control of your petty cash and cash on hand Post transactions to a trader or to a Nominal Ledger account Creates automatic bank lodgements, from the received payments Print cheques directly onto your normal cheque book Bank and Cash herbst Insight Features

11                     The multi-level Nominal Ledger comprises of a default set of accounts, which can be used as-is or tailored to your business requirements. You can group and analyse accounts information on-line. Herbst Insight boasts an open period architecture allowing you to post transactions in one period prior to closing the previous period when required. Choose from the Nominal accounts tree structure, or Nominal accounts grid view list Enter Nominal Ledger journals Reverse journals automatically Enter automatic VAT Claim Multi-account analysis Budget facility and analysis Show account balance on certain date Up to 10 sort groups and unlimited values for each NL account. Ideal for reporting NL account analysis by period NL account analysis by transaction Nominal Ledger herbst Insight Features

12  Herbst Insight is fully integrated with Herbst HRM (Human Resource and Payroll) package, automatically updating your Nominal Ledger, bank accounts and cost centre data. Import Weekly, Fortnightly, Four-weekly and Monthly wages herbst Insight Features Fully Integrated Payroll

13             Customer, supplier, product and accounts details can be imported from or exported to Microsoft Excel and Word and there is a highly customisable facility to import and export from/to ASCII files. Export/import to/from Microsoft Excel all objects, their properties and aged analysis Copy any of the screens directly to Excel with one click Export all reports to Microsoft Excel or Word Export bank transfers to EFTS Files Export/import NL journals to/from text file EDI export/import Export and Import herbst Insight Features

14               Weigh transactions can be used not only for weigh in and weight outs for sales and purchases of goods, but also for managing the warehouse inventory - stock in and out movements. Weigh in and out documents can be easily converted to purchase/sales invoices and weigh documents can be imported from other packages. Full quarry management system with fully integrated accounts Connection to the electric output weighbridge or automatic weighing Convert a weigh document into a delivery, invoice Pricing parameters Haulers Consignees Easi-weigh integration Fully Integrated Weighbridge herbst Insight

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