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Strategies for Success – Grade 9 Lesson Ms. Cooper Ms. Drummer.

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2 Strategies for Success – Grade 9 Lesson Ms. Cooper Ms. Drummer

3 What is a credit? In High School, your Credit Report is not your Financial report, but your report card. A record of your grades will stay with us for 60 years.  A credit is what you receive after successfully completing a course.  Some classes are 1.0 credit  Others are ½ credit  Phys Ed/ Fund of Art / Health/ Fund of Music

4 How many credits do you get?  Each year, you have the opportunity to earn up to 7.0 credits.  In each semester, you can earn up to 3.5 credits (Fall and Spring semesters)  How do you receive a credit?  Attend class, Work hard, Study, Participate, Ask for help (if you need it) - These skills are needed to receive a passing grade for each course. If you pass, you earn the credit.

5 How many credits do I need to graduate?  24.5 credits, including the following required classes:  English 9, 10, 11 & 12  Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and one Math elective  Intro to Physics, Biology, and one Science elective  World History, US History I and US History II  2 Foreign Languages (consecutive years in the SAME language)  1.0 credit of Fine Arts (Band, Art)  ½ credit of Health Education  2 credits of Phys Ed (½ credit each year)

6 How do I get that 9 off my transcript?  To move from 9-10 th  ELA 9/Algebra I: 4.5 Credit Total  To Move from 10 th -11 th  ELA 10/Geometry: 10.5 Credit Total  To move from 11 th – 12 th  ELA 11/Math App I or Algebra II: 17.5 Credit Total Recover failed courses and pass current courses

7 Attendance Attendance  To SUCCEED, you MUST be here!  Attendance is taken in EACH period and counts for each period. If you are more than 45 minutes late, you are considered absent!  If you are absent, within 48 hours, bring in a note to the Attendance Office (Room 181) during your lunch.  More than 7 unexcused absences result in No Credit due to attendance.  If you receive a FA from a teacher, you must complete the form, have your parent sign it and submit it to the attendance office by the due date.  If you are absent for more than 3 days, have your parent / guardian contact the guidance office to obtain makeup work for you.  DO ALL MAKEUP WORK and TURN IT IN TO YOUR TEACHERS

8 Programs for Attendance  Saturday School  3 hours=1 day  After-School with Teachers  1hour=1 class  Attendance Log must be signed by teacher each time you stay.  The waiver form must be submitted after absences have been recovered. Upon approval you will be granted your grade Each week in advisory you should receive your quick look-up-check for absences


10 Accessing your counselor  Fill out a Request to See Your Counselor form- outside  Rm. 342, Ms. Drummer  Rm. 346, Ms. Cooper  You will receive a pass from your counselor to come to the guidance office

11 2012-3013 Report Card and Term Schedule September 28, 2012 1st Term Progress Reports Distributed to Students October 31, 2012 1st Term Marking Period Closes November 13, 2012 Cut-Off for Teachers Entering Quarter 1 Grades in Power Teacher Grade book November 16, 2012 1st Term Report Cards Given Distributed to Students December 14, 2012 2nd Term Progress Reports Distributed to Students January 18, 2013 2nd Term Marking Period Closes January 29, 2013 Cut-Off for Teachers Entering Quarter 2 Grades in Power Teacher Grade book February 1, 2013 2nd Term Report Cards Given Distributed to Students February 15, 2013 3rd Term Progress Reports Distributed to Students March 27, 2013 3rd Term Marking Period Closes April 9, 2013 Cut-Off for Teachers Entering Quarter 3 Grades in Power Teacher Grade book April 12, 2013 3rd Term Report Cards Given Distributed to Students May 10, 2013 4th Term Progress Reports Distributed to Students June 18, 2013 Cut-Off for Teachers Entering Quarter 4 Grades in Power Teacher Grade book **High School marks close on the Last Day of School**

12 Scenario 1 The end of the school year has approached and you have passed ALL of your classes except Math and English. What grade will you be in come August 2013

13 Scenario2 The end of the school year has approached and you have passed ALL of your classes except Math and English. You then go to summer school and pass Math. How many credits have you earned?

14 Scenario 3 The end of the school year has approached and you have ONLY passed Math, English, Science and Social Studies and Physical Education. How many credits have you earned ? What grade will you be in come August 2013?

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