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Bloodborne Pathogens School District of New Richmond Joan Simpson, R.N, District School Nurse. 9-19-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloodborne Pathogens School District of New Richmond Joan Simpson, R.N, District School Nurse. 9-19-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloodborne Pathogens School District of New Richmond Joan Simpson, R.N, District School Nurse. 9-19-12

2 Why am I Here Today? Annual training is required by OSHA for all employees who are considered at increased risk for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. To protect employees against exposure to bloodborne diseases.

3 What is a bloodborne pathogen? Bloodborne- carried in the blood Pathogen- germ Bloodborne pathogen- germ carried in the blood

4 The OSHA regulation specifically addresses three bloodborne diseases: HIV- 0.5% risk of infection after exposure; dies when fluid dries; no vaccine, no cure and recovery rare. Hepatitis B-30% risk of infection; may or may not exhibit symptoms; may be unaware they are contagious; flu-like symptoms; strong virus that can live up to one week outside of the body in old, dried blood. Hepatitis C-Most people have no symptoms; no vaccine; treatment effective in 15-30% cases;85% develop chronic infection; leading indicator for liver transplants.

5 Staff at increased Occupational Risk to Bloodborne pathogens are those whose job description includes one or more of the following: First aid Cleaning body fluid spills Delegated health / personal care providers Monitoring altercations

6 In New Richmond School District these employees have been identified currently as: Job ClassificationsReason for Occupational Exposure Providing First Aid Cleanup of Blood or OPIM Spills Contact / Handling of Materials Contaminated with Blood or OPIM Health Services (School Nurse and Health Assistants) XXX CDB/ CDS Teachers and Assistants (Cognitive Disability Borderline and Severe) X X Coaches (determined by AD) – Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and Hockey at this time X X EBD Teachers and Assistants (Emotional Behavioral Disability) X X Early Childhood & Special Education (Teachers and Assistants) X X Occupational TherapistsX X Kindergarten TeachersX X Building Principals, Assistant Principals X X Custodial / Maintenance XX Physical Education TeachersX X Speech TherapistsX X SuperintendentX X Athletic DirectorX X Front Office Administrative Assistants X X

7 Hepatitis B Vaccination offered by the District to staff on the previous page School District covers the cost Three injections over 6 months Booster doses are not recommended 80 - 95% effective after series is completed Hepatitis B Immunization Acceptance/Declination Record must be completed and on file for all staff considered at increased risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. If Hepatitis B vaccination was declined in the past, it can be requested at a later date.

8 Reasons Not To Receive Vaccination Previous infection would incur immunity Yeast sensitivity Thimerosal sensitivity Pregnancy Immunosuppressive therapy

9 Hepatitis B Vaccination Most Common Side Effect Slight soreness at the injection site (17%) More serious reactions may occur in 1% of vaccinations given

10 Exposure Control Plan Blue Health Services Manual in each school health office Contains District’s Exposure Control Plan and exposure forms.


12 Universal Precautions An approach to infection control where all human body fluids of all persons are treated as if known to be infectious for communicable diseases

13 Personal Protective Equipment Gloves Available in the health office Disposable Goggles As requested Gowns As requested

14 Use of Disposable Gloves Think about what you touch while your wearing them! Properly dispose of contaminated gloves in the trash. Wash hands after using them. Waterless hand cleaner as temporary measure only.

15 Handwashing THE SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE BARRIER TO PREVENT THE TRANSFER OF GERMS is to use soap and running water. Scrub for at least 30 seconds, rinse well, dry with paper towel (use to turn off faucet)

16 Cleaning Up Body Fluid Spills Think B-A-D-D B arrier A bsorb D isinfect D iscard

17 What Should I Do If I Have An Accidental Contact With Body Fluids? Wash area thoroughly with soap and warm water Contact your building Health Assistant to complete an Exposure Investigation Report Right Away. She will complete then notify the School Nurse regarding further action. Notify your supervisor of the exposure. Complete a Workman’s Compensation Form in the staff lounge and submit to Deb Newman within 48 hours.

18 Exposure Incident a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral (contaminated needles and sharp instruments), contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties.

19 Three Things Necessary for Possible Transmission 1. Source person must be infected 2. Source person must have a port of exit 3. Receiving person must have a port of entry Contact with infectious body fluids to broken skin or mucous membranes Puncture wounds with used needles

20 Moral of the story: If it’s Warm, Wet and Not Yours Don’t Touch It!

21 For questions or concerns, please contact Joan Simpson, District School Nurse, at or 243-7424.

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