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I show prejudice towards homosexuals. When I see homosexuals, I think of the term fag because I don’t agree with homosexuality.

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Presentation on theme: "I show prejudice towards homosexuals. When I see homosexuals, I think of the term fag because I don’t agree with homosexuality."— Presentation transcript:

1 I show prejudice towards homosexuals. When I see homosexuals, I think of the term fag because I don’t agree with homosexuality.

2 My Beliefs come from my parents and also my religion. Ever since I was a child, when ever there were homosexuals on T.V, my mom would switch the channel. This always had me wondering why it was wrong. As I got older, I would ask questions. She would always reply saying, “Its disgusting and wrong. You are a Muslim and you will go to hell for this type of action.” Things like this scare you as a child. Ever since then, I have looked at homosexuality in a different way.

3  From personal experience, I had a really close aunt pass away due to liver cancer. This has given me a different perspective to people with cancer. Before I used to not care about any body who had cancer. To be honest, I didn’t even know cancer was life threatening. But ever since I received the news that my aunt had passed, I cared about cancer research and people with cancer in a new way. Every year I donate as much as I can for the Terry Fox run and try my best to support marathons for cancer research.

4 .. Culture and language play a huge part in my values, beliefs and understanding. Both tie in with my culture. They make me understand the history behind the words. They also shape the way I look at things, and what my values are. I use old-time methods to help me overcome obstacles in my life. Without my culture or language, I wouldn't have a paved path in front of me.

5  My nationality and ancestry makes me look at things in positive ways. It has taught me that good things will come to you do the same for others. Lots of good deeds will grant you a spot in heaven in the afterlife.

6  Yes indeed, I am very privileged. I have a loving family which supply me with food water and a roof over my head. This makes me feel blessed to have all of this knowing that there are many children out there that don’t have a loving family, food, or a place to live.

7  As a child, I was always left out. Whether it was in gym class or on the playground. Growing up, I was not very athletic. Whenever there was physical activity, I was always the last one to be chosen. Being left out doesn’t really bother me anymore but it always made me feel bad about myself and my skills.

8 I feel that society should treat all races, sexualities, and all others the same way they want to be treated. I feel that we are all equals and that no one should be singled out or left out. I feel that this way, everyone would live a happy lifestyle.

9  When an individual disagrees with me, I try to argue with them to try and change their mind. I always like to feel to right accomplished. I respect everyone's beliefs and values as much as I do about my own. I find it that everyone has their own opinion and I respect it 100%.

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