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DO THIS NOW! Click the AUDIO SETUP WIZARD button & follow the directions. Click the TALK button to turn on your microphone. Click the TALK button again.

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Presentation on theme: "DO THIS NOW! Click the AUDIO SETUP WIZARD button & follow the directions. Click the TALK button to turn on your microphone. Click the TALK button again."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO THIS NOW! Click the AUDIO SETUP WIZARD button & follow the directions. Click the TALK button to turn on your microphone. Click the TALK button again to turn it off. NEED ATTENTION? Want to get the moderator’s attention? Click the RAISE HAND button. HAVE A QUESTION? Type your questions & comments in the ROOM CHAT tab, and press the Enter key on your keyboard. 1

2 Meet the Moderators Claudia Ruiz Instructional Technology Assistant Director 352-588-7542 Darcy Goshorn Instructional Technologist 352-588-8458 2 C

3 What Are We Going To Do Today?  Learn how to manage the Polling tool  Practice using the Web Tour tool  Best Practices  Q & A 3 C

4 ClassLive Pro 4 D

5 Moderator Interface 5 D

6 Polling 6 D CONDUCTING A POLL 1. On the fly - Verbally The moderator could talk through a question and answers and then ask participants to respond. 2. On the fly - Typed The moderator could type the question and answer options into the whiteboard or Chat area and then ask participants to respond. 3. Prepare in PowerPoint Prepare the questions in a PowerPoint presentation and import this into the Whiteboard.

7 Polling Control 7 D

8 More Nonverbal Feedback Tools 8 C

9 Multiple Choice Question 1 If you were asked to host a Blackboard Collaborate session right now as the sole moderator, how comfortable would you feel doing so? A.I’m a pro. No problem. B.Sure thing. C.I’ll give it a shot. D.If I do, can I have a pay raise? E.What’s a Blackboard Collaborate?! 9 C

10 Binary Question 2 If I was asked by a coworker to moderate a Blackboard Collaborate session… I would do it!  I would not do it. 10 C

11 Web Tour 11 D

12 Global Permissions 12 D

13 Scavenger Hunt 13 D

14 Best Practices  Polling is always on, so use it frequently. Use it as thermometer for student understanding throughout the lesson.  Using the Publish Results to Whiteboard feature, think critically about response patterns.  Remember to use the Clear link in the Participants panel before starting a new question.  Have an open document with URLs ready for copying-and- pasting into the Web Tour address bar.  Web Tour works well for fully online, interactive content that doesn’t require a login (Youtube, Prezi, photograph, survey)  Once you lead participants to a webpage, you will need to instruct them how to use the page on their own devices.  Decide when it would be best to force a webpage to open in a separate window on participant devices. 14 D

15 Chart also available at COLLABORATE MODES Selecting the Best Collaborate Mode for Your Activity ACTIVITY WHITEBOARD APPLICATION SHARING WEB TOUR View a video on YoutubePREFERRED Present a PreziPossiblePREFERRED View a Powerpoint slideshowPREFERREDPossible Browse an exemplary websitePossiblePREFERRED Demonstrate formulas in ExcelPREFERRED Critique student writingPREFERREDPossible Demonstrate header/footer formatting in WordPREFERRED View a photograph on a news websitePossible PREFERRED Complete an online form/survey/pollPREFERRED Demonstrate assignment on LearningStudio (eCollege)PREFERREDPossible Practice searching for primary sources on a library databasePREFERREDPossible Read an online case studyPossible PREFERRED Brainstorm research topicsPREFERRED Read & think about open-ended discussion questionsPREFERREDPossible D

16 DAY DATE TIME TOPIC MONDAY6/23 NOON ET Interactive Whiteboard Tools TUESDAY6/24 NOON ET Polling and Web Tour WEDNESDAY6/25 NOON ET Breakout Rooms THURSDAY6/26 NOON ET Application Sharing 16 D

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