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2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd A healthy self esteem stops self-sabotaging habits like overeating and other debilitating.

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2 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd A healthy self esteem stops self-sabotaging habits like overeating and other debilitating addictions. click to enter SlimCurves System© Unique Free Beauty, Slimming & Health eBooks, Nutrition Games, Advice & Tips. Please go ahead and share this information freely. 1

3 2 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd High Self-Esteem comes with the ability to take control of your life. Learn the powerful trade secret of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors today. Use them to enlighten yourselves so that you can live your life freely and powerfully.

4 We have all heard this before We eat more than we need or we engage in activities which we know are not good for us because 1. We feel bored. 2. We feel lousy and eating brings comfort and temporary happiness. 3 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Our Self-Esteem (how we view or value ourselves) becomes low as we see ourselves not able to master our lives.

5 I bet you that since it happens very often and that many other people seemed to also suffer from it … You think it is normal, right ? 4 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

6 Well, sorry to say … It is not really something we should just accept. We can actually minimise the time we feel that way and live an even more empowered life. 5 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

7 Get to the root cause The reason why we do that is because 1.We feel bored. We are bored because we lack a burning purpose or passion in life. If we have one, we can’t wait to wake up in the morning and get going with it. 2. We feel lousy and eating brings comfort and temporary happiness. Because we feel overwhelmed by life’s setbacks and suffer from a sense of hopelessness. 6 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

8 Have you noticed how successful people seemed to behave differently ? How they have high self-esteem? That is - they see themselves as capable of mastering their life, solving problems and facing setbacks? How they focus on problem-solving rather than wallow in them with self-pity like some of us tend to do? You wonder if their life is so different from yours. They have better luck than you. They have more money than you. They are prettier than you. They are smarter than you. ETC ETC ETC. 7 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

9 Do you think Danny Devito ought to let his height challenge prevent him from becoming a famous actor? 8 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

10 Do you think these famous hunks ought to let their dyslexia stop them from their successes? 9 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

11 Do you think Oprah Winfrey ought to let her impoverished childhood and teen pregnancy keep her from greatness? 10 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

12 I am sure you can easily think of 10 worser things that can happen to others that had not happened to you. If you don’t believe, make a list. It will be a long list. 11 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

13 So why do they seemed to act differently ? 1.They seemed to be busy and are very focused in their actions. That’s because they have a clear life purpose. They have something they want to accomplished badly. 2. They seemed to be more relaxed, contented and “in control”. That’s because they know how to handle setbacks and not give in to feeling of hopelessness – the easy way out. 12 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

14 In short. They make it a point not to waste too much time feeling bored or indulge in self-sabotaging behaviour like overeating or addiction. 1. They see life setbacks as normal and know how to overcome them. 2. They develop a purpose and work hard to achieve it. There is no time to lose for them. 13 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

15 1. They see life setbacks as normal and know how to overcome them. 14 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd So, how could you learn how to do that?

16 First accept this truth: 15 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd There will be Ups and Downs in Life. Do not make the mistake of believing the impossible: Life is supposed to be up all the time and any downs are bad luck or that you are stupid and worthless.

17 Why must there be Ups and Downs in Life? 16 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Simple maths: When you put more than 2 people together different timing, needs and priorities naturally cause conflict. You spend so much time interacting with so many people and the environment on a daily basis, little wonder why your life is full of events which can go your way and NOT go your way.

18 17 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Even if you are someone who believes in the mystics e.g. luck, energy, karma The principle is still the same – various positive and negative energies coming together creates good and not so good outcomes. Dynamic changes are to be expected. Nothing stand still enough for you to expect your life to be always up.

19 Once you fully appreciate that your battle is already half won. You should immediately feel lightness in your mind from this simple truth. 18 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

20 Now, the second part: Problem Solving. 19 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd It is no good if you only accept life’s ups and downs and let problems fester and snowball.

21 First: You must feel confident that you can solve problems. Do not think of the times you have failed. Focus on times you have succeeded. 20 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Why does your mind keep reminding of the times you failed more than when you succeed?

22 Your mind likes to trick you: Our brain is designed to protect us and to run away from being eaten by predators. 21 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd That is why when we face problems, it instinctively and often wrongly, remind us to flee.

23 To stop our brain from misfiring, 22 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd We just shut off the bad “voice” or “thoughts” and allow the positive “voice” or “thoughts” to operate. You can literally tell your brain to “STOP” a thought from forming. With some practice, you can even program your brain to act positively, permanently. Try it, it is fun.

24 Once the positive mood is set, you are ready to solve the problem proper. 23 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

25 Problem-solving takes 3 steps. 24 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

26 25 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd #1: From Externalising to Internalising When we first look at a problem, We usually see it as someone else is the problem. This is call externalising. Even when we think it is because we are not good enough (due to low self-esteem), we tend to think that others are being the big bully and we are being victimised.

27 26 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd #1: From Externalising to Internalising So, during problem-solving, the trick is not to focus on the external factors because often we do not have control of the external factors, be it another human being(s) or the weather or the environment. A lot of futile energy is wasted trying to wish things away. The right thing to do is to focus on ourselves and what we can positively do to change the situation. This process is call internalising.

28 27 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd #1: From Externalising to Internalising When you complete this step properly, you will be able to verbalise this statement with clarity: I feel ____________________(emotion) because ______________________(situation) and I ___________________ (contribution). Sentence should be summarised and succinct

29 28 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd #2: Goal Setting Next step is to articulate the outcome that you want happen: I feel ____________________(emotion) because ______________________(situation) and I ___________________ (contribution). I want ___________________________(goal) by ___________________________(time). Sentence should be summarised and succinct

30 29 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd #3: Plan for Change Final step is to articulate what you need to do to achieve that desired outcome: (It typically involves learning new skill(s)) I feel ____________________(emotion) because ______________________(situation) and I ___________________ (contribution). I want ___________________________(goal) by ___________________________(time) By implementing/learning how to ______________________________(skill(s)). Sentence should be summarised and succinct

31 30 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Example: I feel trapped (emotion) because my mother-in-law and husband expect me to be a superwoman – do housework, take care of the kids and to bring in the bacon (situation) and I chose to vent my anger at them by picking quarrels at every irritation (contribution). I want to have a cordial relationships with them with zero fights (goal) by 1 July 2013 10am ( time) By getting a part-time maid to clean the house and also to focus on problem-solving instead of fighting back (skill(s)). Sentence should be summarised and succinct

32 31 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Walla! Problem Solved ! Ok, it takes some practice and time to accomplish this. But you will get there, slowly at first. It will get easier and easier with practice until it becomes reflex action. Sometimes you need another person, like a trained counsellor - who are not bent on giving suggestions or worse, criticism - to be your sounding board and who could help to generate activity and resource option(s). Tip: If you can’t find a trained person just tell whoever to just say hmmm….and nod and not to say anything whilst you try to give clarity to your verbalisation.

33 32 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Now – Purpose/Passion Most of us go through lives not knowing exactly what our purpose/passion is. But we do know that it is the thing which: it gives us energy to want to get out of bed and it makes us feel alive.

34 33 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd Purpose/Passion – find it So, try to find it. Doesn’t matter if it may not be THE one. Just pick one that fires you up at this moment. Then get busy. One thing will lead to another. There is then hope that you will finally find it. In the meantime, you will not feel bored. This technique is called substitution. That is, when you are doing something then you cannot be doing something else (getting bored). How simple and brilliant is that !

35 34 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd High Self-Esteem comes knowing that you have the ability to take control of your life. Now you know the powerful trade secret of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors. So use them to enlighten yourselves so that you can live your life freely and powerfully.

36 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd 35 Visit our website or Call us to book a free consultation We will explain everything in greater detail to you. We are confident you have learned something new. Share it Freely.Share it Freely. Love to hear from you

37 Thank you for viewing. Click here for more free e-books and tips Or better yet, book a free consultationOr better yet, book a free consultation. We are confident you have learned something new. Share it Freely.Share it Freely. Love to hear from you 36 2013 Commercial Confidential - property of pitch2us Pte Ltd

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