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Powerpoint Jeopardy InventorsPhilosophers and Philosophies AgricultureProductionTransportation 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Jeopardy InventorsPhilosophers and Philosophies AgricultureProductionTransportation 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint Jeopardy InventorsPhilosophers and Philosophies AgricultureProductionTransportation 10 20 30 40 50

2 Who invented the airplane in 1903?

3 Who invented the telephone in 1876?

4 Who invented the diesel engine in 1892?

5 Who invented the wireless telegraph, an early form of the radio, in 1895?

6 Who invented a screw propeller to replace paddle wheels in 1836?

7 Who wrote Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in 1848?

8 What philosophy advocates direct action to remove all forms of government?

9 Under what political system does the government own the means of production?

10 What Utopian socialist established a model community in New Harmony, Indiana?

11 What French socialist philosopher considered poverty to be the main cause of society’s problems?

12 What Englishman invented the seed drill?

13 What Englishman ended the three-field system by introducing crop rotation?

14 What Englishman introduced scientific stock breeding?

15 Who invented the mechanical reaper in 1834?

16 What German inventor created the first fertilizers?

17 During the Industrial Revolution, what replaced human labor?

18 In what system of production do businesspeople deliver raw materials to workers’ homes?

19 In the factory system of production, production anticipates __________.

20 What fossil fuel was burned to power steam engines?

21 True or false: Under the factory system, workers own the means of production.

22 What canal, opened in 1914, provided access from one coast of the Americas to the other without the need to sail around the tip of South America?

23 Who invented the steamboat in 1807?

24 Who invented the locomotive (train) in 1825?

25 What major railroad was built across Russia between 1891 and 1905?

26 What canal, opened in 1869, provided access to the Indian Ocean from the Mediterranean Sea?

27 InventorsPhilosophers and Philosophies AgricultureProductionTransportation Orville and Wilbur Wright Karl MarxJethro TullMachinesPanama Canal Alexander Graham Bell AnarchismLord TownshendDomestic (or putting out) system Robert Fulton Rudolf DieselSocialismRobert BakewellDemandGeorge Stephenson Guglielmo Marconi Robert OwenCyrus McCormick CoalTrans-Siberian railroad John EricssonCharles FourierJustus von LiebigfalseSuez Canal ANSWER KEY

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