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News Article and Graphic

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1 News Article and Graphic
Bubonic Plague

2 First Website Imagine that you are an investigative reporter for a London newspaper in the year You have been assigned to write an article on the spread of bubonic plague. Your editor wants to know why people have begun referring to the disease as the "Black Death." A brave soul, you are willing to travel throughout the plague-infected areas of Europe to get to the heart of the story. As you visit the different areas (by navigating through the designated web sites) Focus on the physical symptoms and the psychological effects of this terrible disease. At the first stop, Site 1, you interview a doctor to learn about the physical symptoms of the disease. Record the symptoms:

3 Second Website At your next stop, Site 2, you visit a cemetery and an art museum. Add notes to your journal based on the following questions: What stands out about the tombs in the cemetery? What is the danse macabre?

4 Third Website Your last stop, Site 3, takes you up close and personal with victims of the plague. How do these observations compare to the notes you took from Site 1? Briefly identify who the writer Boccaccio was. Then pick out a good quotation to include in your article.

5 Article and Graphic Use the notes from your reporter's journal to compose an article. Remember that your task is to answer the Focus Question: Why was the bubonic plague referred to as the "Black Death"? Make a step-by-step illustration showing how the bubonic plague spread from Asia to Europe and resulted in the deaths of millions of Europeans! COLOR! COLOR! COLOR!

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