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Part Two L i stening - C entered A ctivities Home.

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2 Part Two L i stening - C entered A ctivities Home

3 New College English II Uint 9 2 Unit 9 Listening- Centered Activities Intensive Listening Listening I Listening II Extensive Listening Ideal Weight Tall, Dark, and Handsome Our Faces and Our Expressions 听力真题实战 02 年 1 月 听力真题实战 02 年 1 月

4 New College English II Uint 9 3 Listening I New Words & Expressions Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Tapescript

5 New College English II Uint 9 4 New Words & Expressions美人鱼给予背诵完美的 ( 人名 ) 莎士比亚 有见识的 使 ······ 成三倍 1. mermaid 2. grant 3. recite 4. flawless 5. Shakespeare 6. insightful 7. triple

6 New College English II Uint 9 5 New Words & Expressions天文学使成五倍重新考虑宇宙叹气 8. astronomy 9. quintuple 10. reconsider 11. universe 12. sigh

7 New College English II Uint 9 6 Exercise 1 Directions: Answer the following question before listening to the passage. Do men and women differ in IQ simply because of their gender? Give your reasons. QuestionQuestion No, I don’t think so. People differ in IQ not because they are men or women. There are men who are more intelligent than women and vice versa. A person’s IQ is not determined by his or her gender, but rather by the education and experience he or she has. SampleSample

8 New College English II Uint 9 7 2-1 Exercise 2-1 Directions: Listen to the story and rearrange the sentences in chronological order ( 时间顺序 ). 1) One man is amazed and he asks the mermaid to triple his IQ. 2) The mermaid asks him to change his mind. 3) The mermaid is asked to increase his IQ by five times.

9 New College English II Uint 9 8 2-2 Exercise 2-2 4) One man is doubtful, yet he tells the mermaid to double his IQ. 5) In order to be set free, the mermaid agrees to grant each of them a wish. 6) One man is very interested and he asks the mermaid to quintuple his IQ. ________________________ ________________________ 5), 4), 1), 6), 2), 3)

10 New College English II Uint 9 9 3-1 Exercise 3-1 Directions: Listen to the story again and work in groups to answer the questions or complete the sentences given. 1) What changes do they undergo? The first man starts to ______ flawless The first man starts to ______ flawless Shakespeare followed by a short ______ Shakespeare followed by a short ______ and an extremely insightful ________ of it. and an extremely insightful ________ of it. The second man begins pouring out all the The second man begins pouring out all the mathematical _________ to problems that mathematical _________ to problems that have _______ scientists of varying fields: have _______ scientists of varying fields: physics, chemistry and astronomy. physics, chemistry and astronomy. The third man becomes a _______. The third man becomes a _______. recite recite pause pause analysis analysis solutions solutions puzzled puzzled woman woman

11 New College English II Uint 9 10 3-2 Exercise 3-2 2) What is the implication of the ending of the story? 3) What do you think of the implication? Explain your answer. Explain your answer. The ending of the story implies that a woman has an IQ five times that of a man. The ending of the story implies that a woman has an IQ five times that of a man. Tapescript —The third man is greedy, so he is punished by being turned into a woman. —Women aren’t five times more intelligent than men. It’s just a joke. —It’s the revenge of women who consider they have been treated as being less intelligent than men for too long. —Women are just as intelligent as men.

12 New College English II Uint 9 11  New Words & Expressions New Words & Expressions New Words & Expressions  Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Exercise 1  Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2  Tapescript Tapescript Listening II

13 New College English II Uint 9 12 New Words & Expressions 1. domestic 2. central 3. conduct 4. whereas 5. stressful 6. relatively 家事的;国内的中心的进行然而紧张的相关地

14 New College English II Uint 9 13 1-1 Exercise 1-1 Directions: Listen to the interview and fill in the following table with the information you get from the tape. Women are better than men at Possible reasons dealing with more than one thing 1) ________. It’s because of the difference in 2) __________. They have to 3) ___________________ __________________. cope more often with more than one thing their brain at a time

15 New College English II Uint 9 14 1-2 Exercise 1-2 Women are better than men at Possible reasons developing 4) ________ ____________. From an early age, they are taught to 5) __________________. Relationships are more 6) _______ to most women’s lives. please other people personal relationships central

16 New College English II Uint 9 15 2-1 Exercise 2-1 Directions: Directions: Listen to the interview again and discuss the questions in pairs. 1) According to the woman, how do men talk about their work and interests? Do you agree with her? talk about their work and interests? Do you agree with her? The woman says that men have superficial conversations about their work and their interests and that they don’t talk about personal feelings. Yes, I agree. Men prefer to talk about general things. To be really personal, they believe, would be a sign of weakness.

17 New College English II Uint 9 16 2-2 Exercise 2-2 2) What does the woman say about men and football? Do you agree with her? football? Do you agree with her? She says that they talk about football as a way of communicating with each other without saying anything really important. Yes, I agree that men talk about sports a lot. They don’t talk about their personal problems with other men. No, I disagree. I have close friends and I think we talk about important subjects. We rarely discuss football or other sports. Tapescript

18 New College English II Uint 9 17 Intensive Listening I Tapescript 1  Three guys are out having a relaxing day fishing. Out of the blue, they catch a mermaid who begs to be set free in return for granting each of them a wish. Now one of the guys just doesn’t believe it, and says: “OK, if you can really grant wishes, then double my IQ.” The mermaid says: “ Done.” suddenly, the guy starts to recite flawless Shakespeare followed by a short pause and an extremely insightful analysis of it. The second guy is so amazed that he says to the mermaid: “Hey, triple my IQ.” The mermaid says: “Done.” The guy begins pouring out all the mathematical solutions to problems that have puzzled scientists of varying field: physics, chemistry and astronomy.

19 New College English II Uint 9 18 Intensive Listening I Tapescript 2  The last guy is so interested in the changes in his friends that he says to the mermaid: “Quintuple my IQ.” The mermaid looks at him and says: “You know, I normally don’t try to change people’s minds when they make a wish, but I really wish you’d reconsider.” The guy says: “No, I want you to increase my IQ five times, and if you don’t do it, I won’t set you free,” “Please,” says the mermaid, “you don’t know what you’re asking… It’ll change your entire view of the universe. Won’t you ask for something else… A million dollars, anything?” But no matter what the mermaid says, the guy insists on having his IQ increased by five times its usual power. So the mermaid sighs and says: “Done.” And he becomes a woman.

20 New College English II Uint 9 19 Intensive Listening II Tapescript 1 M = Man W = Woman Do you think that women are naturally better at certain things than men? Well, it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time. I don’t know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain or whether it’s just how they have to cope more often with more than one thing. For example, it is usually women who work, have babies, look after the babies and take the main responsibility for looking after the home. And maybe it’s practicing all that that makes women better able to do more than one thing at a time. M: W:

21 New College English II Uint 9 20 Intensive Listening II Tapescript 2 Men, it seems to me, can only concentrate on one thing at a time, including boring domestic things like washing the dishes. If a friend of mine who’s a man washes the dishes he’ll find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same time, whereas if I’m doing the dishes I’m always talking to someone, probably cooking something as well, and finding that not too stressful. Do you think women are more interested in personal relationships than men? M:

22 New College English II Uint 9 21 Intensive Listening II Tapescript 3 Generally, yes, though again I don’t know if this is because from an early age they’re taught to please other people, whereas men are taught to please themselves. I think relationships are more central to most women’s lives. For example, I think men don’t have very good conversations with each other, whereas women do. If you listen to women talking, often they’ll be having, after a relatively short time of knowing each other, fairly personal and truthful conversations, whereas men have conversations not about what I’d call real things. They’ll talk about their work in a very superficial way, or their interests in a very superficial way, for example, and football is the —um—, just a sort of way for men to relate to each other without actually saying anything important, it seems to me. W:

23 New College English II Uint 9 22  Ideal Weight Ideal Weight  Tall, Dark, and Handsome Tall, Dark, and Handsome  Our Faces and Our Expressions Our Faces and Our Expressions  听力真题实战 02 年 1 月 听力真题实战 02 年 1 月 Extensive Listening

24 New College English II Uint 9 23 Ideal Weight ideal 理想的 file 正式要求 petition 诉状 divorce 离婚 Words You Need to Know for Listening

25 New College English II Uint 9 24 Exercise  marry/six months  visit/for the first time  marriage/terrible  criticize/quarrel/all the time  lose weight  file a petition/divorce  ideal weight Directions: Retell the story in the first person of Helen’s mother with the following words to remind you.

26 New College English II Uint 9 25 Tapescript The sweet Helen has been married for six months. Her mother visits her for the first time. When Harold, Helen’s husband, has gone to the office to work, Helen’s mother says, “Now tell me, how are you in your marriage?” Helen cries, “Terrible, Harold is terrible. He criticizes me from the early morning till the late evening. He quarrels with me all the time. I’ve already lost ten kilograms in weight.” “Oh, you poor girl. You must file a petition for divorce!” “I will, Mum, I will, but not before three months.” “Why in three months and not at once?” Her mother asked in surprise. “Because I haven’t reached yet my ideal weight of fifty-two kilograms.” (117 words)

27 New College English II Uint 9 26 Tall, Dark, and Handsome guy 家伙 beard 胡须 pants 裤子 Background Knowledge and Hints You will hear some people at a party talk about other guests. Who are they talking about? Words You Need to Know for Listening

28 New College English II Uint 9 27 Exercise Directions: Listen to the conversations and match the persons with the corresponding descriptions. A. with glasses and short hair, tall, dark, and handsome, drinking coffee B. beautiful in the white dress with a flower in her hair [ ]1. Ted Crocker [ ]2. Jane’s new boyfriend C A

29 New College English II Uint 9 28 Exercise [ ]3. Carlos C. tall guy with glasses, not having much hair left, with the mustache, next to the guy with the dark hair [ ]4. Margaret D. dark and middle-aged, about 50, going a little bald, having a little beard [ ]5. the girl talking to the guy’s sister E. short hair, wearing pants and a dark T-shirt, serious- looking D E B

30 New College English II Uint 9 29 Tapescript 1 1) A: You know Ted Crocker, don’t you? B: Ted Crocker. Now which one is he? A: He’s over there. The tall guy with glasses. B: The tall guy with glasses? The one with the dark hair, sitting on the sofa? A: No. Ted doesn’t have much hair left. B: Oh. Then he must be the one with the mustache? A: Yeah. That’s him. The one next to the guy with the dark hair. 2) A: Have you seen Jane’s new boyfriend? B: I don’t know. What’s his name? A: Bill. He’s the guy over there, drinking coffee, see him? B: Oh! The one with glasses and short hair? A: Yup, that’s the one. B: Oh! He really is tall, dark, and handsome, isn’t he? A: Mmm! He certainly is!

31 New College English II Uint 9 30 Tapescript 2 3) A: What does Carlos look like? B: Well... he’s dark... and middle-aged. He’s about fifty, I guess. A: Oh, I think I do know him. Is he kind of bald? B: Yes, he’s going a little bald. And he has a little beard. 4) A: So, which one is Margaret, anyhow? B: Oh, she’s that woman over there. A: You mean the one with the long hair? B: No, she has short hair. She’s the one wearing pants and a dark T-shirt. See her? A: Oh, that serious-looking person? B: That’s right. Come and meet her. I think you’ll like her. A: Hmm, how about later?

32 New College English II Uint 9 31 Tapescript 3 5) A: Do you see that girl over there in the white dress, the one with a flower in her hair? B: White dress, flower... Oh, yeah, I do—she’s beautiful. A: Isn’t she talking to your sister? B: Mmm... yes, I think she is. A: Mmm. Let’s go talk to your sister. B: What a good idea! Hey, Sara... (295 words)

33 New College English II Uint 9 32 Our Faces and Our Expressions Background Knowledge and Hints People often judge a person by his face. Do you think you can judge a person’s feelings quite well by his face? The following passage will help you. Words You Need to Know for Listening crude 粗鲁的

34 New College English II Uint 9 33 Exercise Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks of the sentences with the information you get from the tape. 1) How do our mouths hide our feelings? We can _____ when we are _______ or ________ when we ____________to someone. 2) How do our eyes tell our feelings? We look _______________________when we are attracted to someone. Our eyes _____ or look __________to show our ________ smileanxiousnot smile are attracted a little bit more than usual soften thoughtfulinterest.

35 New College English II Uint 9 34 Tapescript 1  People’s faces are so important to us. Our earliest impressions are of our mother’s face looking down on us. But we only learn a small amount of information from people’s faces. We also learn how people feel from how they move, from what they say, and from the situation as a whole. And some people’s faces are made so that they seem to be sad when the person isn’t sad, or seem to be ugly and crude when they are creative and intelligent. Look at the person in the picture in “Background Knowledge and Hints”. This is Socrates. Socrates, the Greek philosopher and one of the greatest thinkers of all time, looks... well, how do you think he looks?  Perhaps we give too much importance to the face as a source of information.  It is easier to hide our feelings with our mouths than with our eyes.

36 New College English II Uint 9 35 Tapescript 2 We can smile when we are anxious or not smile when we are attracted to someone. But we forget our eyes! If we are attracted to someone, we look a little bit more than usual. Our eyes soften or look thoughtful to show our interest. (197 words)

37 New College English II Uint 9 36 Please click on the picture of Part I, Part III or Part IV, to go to the next part respectively. This is the end of Part Two Listening

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