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WELCOME HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2019!!!!! Middle  Grades do not count as credits  You go to the same class every day High  Grades become credits that.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2019!!!!! Middle  Grades do not count as credits  You go to the same class every day High  Grades become credits that."— Presentation transcript:



3 Middle  Grades do not count as credits  You go to the same class every day High  Grades become credits that are required for graduation  You will follow a modified block schedule THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL

4  A student earns a credit when he or she successfully completes a course by earning a minimum grade of a 70 and being in attendance 90% of the time.  Students earn a half credit for each successfully completed semester class.  Students must earn a particular number of credits to be promoted from one grade to the next and to graduate. HOW DO I EARN A CREDIT???

5 Modified Block A DAYB DAY 1st Block (55 minutes) 2A (90 minutes)2B (90 minutes) 3A (90 minutes)/LUNCH3B (90 minutes)/LUNCH 4A (90 minutes)4B (90 minutes) 5 th Block (55 minutes) MODIFIED BLOCK SCHEDULING School Begins: 8:50 am School Ends: 4:10 pm

6 Graduation Requirements Performance Acknowledgements Distinguished Level of Achievement Endorsements Foundation

7  English Language Arts:E nglish 1 English 2 English 3 English 4/Advanced English  Mathematics:Alge bra I Geometry Advanced Math  Science: Biology Chemistry Physics  Social Studies: World Geography World History US History Government/Economics CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS

8  2 Credits of World Language  Spanish  French  German  Latin  American Sign Language  Mandarin Chinese (DHS only)  1 Credit of Fine Arts  Art  Music  Dance  Theater  Principles and Elements of Floral Design (GHS/RHS only) CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS

9  ½ Credit of Professional Communications (to be paired with HS 101)  1 Credit of Physical Education  PE or Partner PE  Athletics (Physical Required)  Athletic Training  ROTC  Dance  Marching Band (Fall only)  Cheerleader (Fall only)  Drill Team All UIL Athletics are competitive... Not instructional. CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS

10 English 1 Algebra 1 Biology Freshman Year English 2 Sophomore Year US History Junior Year OTHER GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS All students must earn a Level 2 on the following STAAR/EOC EXAMS:

11 Why Choose an Endorsement/Major? Allows the student to apply core curriculum in a practical way Allows the student to earn licensures and certifications while in high school Helps the student build skills toward college and/or career choices

12  Every student will select an Endorsement (major) under which he or she will graduate  All students graduating with an Endorsement are required to take an additional math and science credit. ENDORSEMENTS

13  World Languages  Literature  Liberal Arts  Fine Arts ARTS AND HUMANITIES

14  Agriculture  Business/ Finance  Manufacturing  Architecture  Arts, Audio Video Technology, Communication  Hospitality & Tourism  Information Technology  Transportation  Marketing  Journalism BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY

15  Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security  Education & Training  Health Science  Human Services  JROTC PUBLIC SERVICES

16  Science  Technology  Engineering  Mathematics SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATH (STEM)

17  AP Course Work  IB Course Work  Preparation for successful entry into the workforce or post secondary education without taking courses in a coherent sequence MULTIDISCIPLINARY

18 Advanced Technology Complex (ATC) Career Carnival March 4

19 Performance Acknowledgement How do I earn a Performance Acknowledgement?  Dual Credit  Bilingualism and Biliteracy  AP/IB Exams  National Merit Scholarship Finalist  Particular score on PSAT, SAT, or ACT  Business/Industry Certification

20 Performance Acknowledgement What can I do now to work toward earning a performance acknowledgement? Take rigorous courses your freshman year and throughout high school.

21 PRE AP & ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) PROGRAM Pre AP classes are available to all freshmen Pre AP courses go into more depth and breadth than other courses Frequently, Pre AP courses have summer reading and/or writing assignments Pre AP courses help prepare students for AP courses and college level work

22 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM IB is 2 year college –prep course of study in the junior and senior year. You may be a good IB Diploma candidate if you register for: At least 2 Pre-AP core courses Plan to take at least 2 years of world language Contact Beth Hughes, IB Coordinator, if interested at 940-369-2238 or

23  We’ll fill it out together  Write clearly and neatly in pencil only  Fill in all of the information at the top of the card  If you have already taken a course for high school credit, you may not take it again. (Example – Algebra and/or Spanish The Course Card


25 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Complete all demographic information

26 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Color in the circle next to the courses you are required to take. All freshmen take HS 101.

27 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Gather input from teachers, parents & counselors to determine which course (Pre-AP or regular) is the right course for you. All freshmen will take Eng 1 or Pre-AP Eng.

28 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Students may not receive credit for the same course twice. If you are currently in Algebra 1, sign up for geometry or Pre-AP geom.

29 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 All freshmen will select Biology or Pre-AP Bio

30 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 All freshmen will select World Geog or Pre-AP World Geog.

31 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Students can choose to start their world language in 9 th grade.

32 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 All freshmen are required to take Professional Communication.

33 123456Smith Rex Chris/Amy Smith 940-123-4567940-123-4569 940-123-4568 Once you have completed the front of the course card, you should have bubbled in the circle next to HS101, Prof Comm, 1 course each in Eng, Math, Science, and Social Studies. This is the equivalent of 5 credits. Frequently freshmen will also take their 1 st year of world language.

34 Nurse Public Service On back side of the course card write in your current career interest. Write in the endorsement (Arts and Humanities, Business and Industry, Public Service, STEM, or Multidisciplinary) you plan to pursue. Remember, this can be changed at any point during your high school career.

35 Nurse Public Service Bubble in the circles next to the additional courses you plan to take your freshman year. All students must have 1 credit of physical education.

36 Nurse Public Service All students must have 1 credit of fine arts. It is recommended that students register for all required courses in 9 th grade.

37 Nurse Public Service When you have selected all of your courses you should have a total of 8 credits. Note in the parenthesis (.5) next to course if it is a 1/2 credit course.

38 Nurse Public Service 35130 Tech Theater C2010 BIM 55110 JROTC 1 C7410 Concepts of Eng & Tech List 4 alternate course choices in case one of your elective (non-core) choices is full or conflicts with another course.

39 Nurse Public Service 35130 Tech Theater C2010 BIM 55110 JROTC 1 C7410 Concepts of Eng & Tech Write in the date the course card is due back to your teacher. Make sure your parent or guardian signs the course card acknowledging your endorsement selection and the schedule change policy. May 8 February...

40  Make sure you have signed up for 8 credits (not courses, but credits!)  Write in alternative choices  If you have signed up for a Pre-AP course, you must turn in a Pre-AP agreement form signed by you and your parent  Make sure you and your parent sign the course card acknowledging your endorsement and the schedule change policy  If you intend to be in athletics, you must have a physical - see the physical information in pink folder REMINDERS

41  Make note of the designated due date for your course card to be returned to your middle school campus  Changes can be made to your course selections through May 8, 2015. Once the date has passed, course selections/schedules will not be changed. Teachers are hired and the master schedule designed based upon the choices you make on your course card. REMINDERS

42 VERIFICATION LETTER A VERIFICATION LETTER WILL BE MAILED HOME IN APRIL FOR YOU AND YOUR PARENT TO REVIEW. May 8 will be the last date to make any changes to your selected courses.


44 View this power point on the Denton ISD Counseling Website or the high school websites. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. -Alan Lakein STILL HAVE QUESTIONS???

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