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The Perfect Tense in Spanish. What is it /does it mean ? It is used in the same way as in English, when you want to say “I have done”, rather than “I.

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Presentation on theme: "The Perfect Tense in Spanish. What is it /does it mean ? It is used in the same way as in English, when you want to say “I have done”, rather than “I."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Perfect Tense in Spanish

2 What is it /does it mean ? It is used in the same way as in English, when you want to say “I have done”, rather than “I did” You do not have a specific time reference (as opposed to the preterite tense), in most cases for the recent past, and often for questions and answers. Eg “have you done your homework?”,”have you visited Spain ?” (ever, in your life, no specific time, at some time in your life) Answer “yes, I have visited Spain”, “No, I have not done my homework”(all in Perfect tense ?)

3 How is it formed ? TWO words : WORD ONE (have): for “HAVE”, use present tense of “HABER” (NOT tener ) I have – You have-he/she/Usted has – We have You (plural /vosotros) have They have (also ustedes)

4 Word TWO

5 PAST PARTICIPLE As in English eg spoken, written, said, seen etc (no good on its own except as an adjective in some cases) REGULAR ONES : -AR verbs –add –ADO to the stem Eg hablar = HABLADO -ER and -IR verbs (will they be the same ??) ADD –IDO to the stem Eg-comer =COMIDO Eg Vivir =VIVIDO

6 PUT THE TWO TOGETHER TO GET PERFECT TENSE I have spoken = I have eaten = I have lived = IMPORTANTE : Does the ending of the past participle ever vary its spelling in the perfect tense when used with haber ?Or is it always –ado or –ido ?

7 Do you always use HABER as the auxiliary verb ? Which of the two words counts as the verb when you are using a pronoun ? Can you separate them ? Eg Have you done it ?Where to put the “it”? ¿En español ?

8 IRREGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES Abrir Cubrir Descubrir Decir Volver Devolver Disolver Resolver Escribir Describir Freír Hacer Satisfacer Morir Poner Romper Ver

9 Aqui están ! Abierto Cubierto Descubierto Dicho Vuelto Devuelto Disuelto escrito

10 İY la segunda parte ! Descrito Frito Hecho Satisfecho Muerto Puesto Roto visto

11 Para resumir : Perfect tense always has 2 words ( in grammar terms -called a “compound “tense ie HAVE + DONE The first word is always the verb haber in the present tense (He, has, ha, hemos, habéis,han) The second word is called the past participle –ar=ado, er/ir=ido, check whether it is regular using the list(above) print it out and learn it, then check in your head ! The past participle NEVER changes in the perfect tense. When It is used in other ways, as an adjective,it does agree with the noun, like all adjectives. DON’T SPLIT THE HABER from its PAST PARTICIPLE, it will become very sad and bad Spanish ! It is used to say what HAS happened, in the recent past, with no time reference, exactly as in English –easy to decide when to use it. WARNING ! It is NOT EVER used to say HOW LONG you have been doing something (use desde hace, or llevar + gerund)

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