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WE are Infinite Hi, We are the students of the Castion Middle School. Our class is the 3 C. We are a very united group and for this reason we‘re preparing.

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Presentation on theme: "WE are Infinite Hi, We are the students of the Castion Middle School. Our class is the 3 C. We are a very united group and for this reason we‘re preparing."— Presentation transcript:


2 WE are Infinite

3 Hi, We are the students of the Castion Middle School. Our class is the 3 C. We are a very united group and for this reason we‘re preparing anxiously for the separation at the end of the school year, when we‘ll go to different schools. Will our friendship last?

4 . This project can help us to face the changes and to remember that new experiences bring new friends…and that.. true friendship isn‘t afraid of distance or few time to spend together Because friendship is mainly sincerity.

5 CASTION This is our town in an ancient postcard: it‘s among the woods and has got a large street, which leads to the church with a high bell tower. It looks like a castle tower, but nobody guards from above. It can be seen from a long distance and like a lighthouse on the coast it helps people to find the way home.

6 Castion is 2 km far from Belluno In the suburbs are the villages of: Cirvoi, Cet, Faverga, Madeago, Modolo, Cavessago, Sossai... where we all are from. In the suburbs are the villages of: Cirvoi, Cet, Faverga, Madeago, Modolo, Cavessago, Sossai... where we all are from.

7 CASTION-NATURA Castion is a mountainous town in a plain below a mountain, the Nevegal. The territory, even if it‘s expanding, isn‘t too much urbanized and has got a strong relationship with the surrounding nature.In our opinion living in a place where the nature is at hand is great.

8 CASTION - CULTURA: Some people in Castion founded an association, the „Proloco Pieve Castionese“ which organises cultural, sportive and recreative events to promove our territory and to bring its peculiarities out. The most successful events among young people are: the Carnival the „palio delle frazioni“, Saint Giovanni‘s festival, „Vegetable gardens in the squares“...

9 From Castion to Belluno... From Castion there is a fantastic view of Belluno city and we can crearly see the position of the city, which lies on a rock hill between the Piave river and the Ardo torrent.

10 BELLUNO is a small city in the Veneto region.. Saint Martiri Square is the place where people walk and talk.. We can eat great icecreams sitting on the cafè outside tables or go shopping in the several shops. Santo Stefano church shows angels by the sculptor Andrea Brustolon and the „Madonna addolorata“ which is dedicated the „Fischiot festival“ to. The Dome Square with its beautiful buildings: the Province administration one, the Comunal one (it‘s red) and the Auditorium ( where there is a music school and a big concert room.

11 BELLUNO is a mountainous city among fantastic, both rocky and green, mountains: Schiara, Serva, Nevegal Schiara, Serva, Nevegal


13 CORTINA-CULTURE: Among the most important sportive events we can remember the Ski Jump Olimpics in 1990.

14 CORTINA D'AMPEZZO- NATURE: Cortina lies in the middle of the Ampezzo Plain in The Boite Valley, which was the bed of an ancient glacier and is surrounded by The Cadore region, the Pusteria valley, the d'Ansiei valley and the northern part of the Agordino. The mountains are made of rocks like the Dolomia and the Limestone.

15 VENIce

16 VENICE – CITy': Venezia is an Italian city in the Veneto region formed by small islands and dry land and divided in two different smaller parts: Venezia e Mestre.

17 VENICE – NATURE: Venezia is a lagoon territory with a continental and mediterannean climate.

18 VENiCE-CULTURE: Venezia organises a lot of international events. The most important ones are the „Biennale di Venezia“ an art exposition, The Carnival, which takes place from the 13th day of Lent to the day before Ash Wednesday, the „Madonna della Salute“ religious festival and the International Ship exposition in Spring.


20 ITALY-CITIES: Italy is an European country, which borders to the Alps in the North, to Spain in the West and to the Mediterranean sea in the South. Its area has got about 324.000kmq. Inside the territory there are two independent countries, the republic of San Marino and Vatican City.

21 ITALY-NATURE: There are six big natural areas in Italy. A part from le mountainous regions and the islands, the northern plains mainly represent the natural areas of Europe, together with the Dolomites in the North and the hills in the west. Hilly areas, great mountains, long coasts invite tourists to stop and see Italian nature.

22 ITALY – CULTURE: The most important characteristic of Italian food is ist semplicity: most dishes have got four or eight ingredients. That‘s why Italian food is known and appreciated all over the world. The most famous dishes are pizza, tortellini, pasta, spaghetti, cheese, lasagne, wine, risotto, trippa…


24 EUROPE – CITIES : Europe is considered as a continent on the basis of historical and cultural elements. Under a different point of view. It‘s the western point of the Euro-asiatic continent or one of the three parts of the Afro-eurasian continent.

25 EUROPE- NATURE : The natural european border is the sea: in the north there‘s the Artic Sea, in the westIl confine naturale d'Europa è costituito per un lunghissimo tratto da mare : essa è delimitata a nord dal mare Glaciale Artico, ad ovest dall ' Oceano Atlantico e a sud dal mar Mediterraneo e dal Mar Nero. Ad est, invece, il concetto di Europa sfuma gradatamente nell' Asia ed è definito solo attraverso linee convenzionali ; tutte ricadenti in territorio russo.

26 EUROPE – CULTURE : The European flag is formed by twelve stars, which form a circle on a light blue background. The circle represents unity and perfection, while the stars represent solidariety among people. Like every single country, Europe hag got its ufficial anthem, the „Hymn to happiness“ by Ludwig van Beethoven. The European flag is formed by twelve stars, which form a circle on a light blue background. The circle represents unity and perfection, while the stars represent solidariety among people. Like every single country, Europe hag got its ufficial anthem, the „Hymn to happiness“ by Ludwig van Beethoven.

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