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Who Killed Jeremy? A Mystery. Jeremy Burns was brutally murdered whilst enjoying a drink in The Castle pub, in the village of Castleton, on Tuesday 30.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Killed Jeremy? A Mystery. Jeremy Burns was brutally murdered whilst enjoying a drink in The Castle pub, in the village of Castleton, on Tuesday 30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Killed Jeremy? A Mystery

2 Jeremy Burns was brutally murdered whilst enjoying a drink in The Castle pub, in the village of Castleton, on Tuesday 30 th April at around 8.15pm. He was aged 28 and single, believed to be a visitor from the Sheffield area. He was dead within seconds of being attacked; post mortem revealed two slash wounds to the chest. Question was, who killed him???


4 What is Castleton like?


6 Scene of the Crime

7 Inside the pub

8 Who killed Jeremy???? Read the facts and you decide

9 Farmer Giles. Aged 54, married with 3 children. Claims he often visits The Castle and enjoys a pint of mild following a long day milking the herds. Also stated that he has no motive…but do you believe him??

10 Bar tender, Jack the Lad. Aged 21, single. Says he was in the back room washing glasses when he heard a male voice screaming abuse, and then a thud. Described a peaceful day in the pub previous to this

11 National Park ranger, Gareth Goodlad. Aged 37, married. Was enjoying a drink with his ‘bit on the side’ when the disturbance occurred, therefore reluctant to give evidence. Has a reputation for being hardworking and taking his job very seriously.

12 Local resident Elsie Elsworth. Aged 77, widowed, 2 children. “ I was waiting for Doris –we meet for a sherry every Tuesday…my eyesight is quite poor…I just heard some fracas but didn’t spot the perpetrator.

13 Quarry owner, Rod Rotter. Aged 46, married, one child. “ I come in here every day, once I've been up to the quarry and checked my lads are alright. What would I want with a pesky tourist??I might have killed a conservationist but come on ….”

14 B&B owner Holly Holiday. Married, aged 31. “ Well I entered the pub just before the police arrived. I love the tourists coming to visit, but to be honest I could see this coming. Not everyone is as welcoming”

15 Now you have to decide – who did it? In pairs write a paragraph in the back of your exercise books explaining who committed the murder and why

16 The Verdict ROD THE ROTTER The previous week he had had an argument with Farmer Giles about his lorries blocking the roads when the farmer wanted to get past. The next day he had a phone call from his bank manager saying that he wanted to discuss the future of the quarry business.

17 After his argument with Farmer Giles, Rod then heard that Gareth Goodlove was organising a petition to close down the mine. What a week!!!! Rod decided to kill a tourist (no-one he knew) and try to implicate both Farmer Giles and Gareth – look at the clues. He didn’t care who was arrested, as long as one of them suffered!!!!!!!

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