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An Introduction to Word Processing and Microsoft Word.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Word Processing and Microsoft Word."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Word Processing and Microsoft Word

2 The tutorials in this module are intended to: Demonstrate how to use MS Word to produce various documents. Provide an overview of common functions and commands. Use the online help systems available as part of the application.

3 Objectives: Save and name a new document. Select text. Change character formats Change character fonts Set document margins Indent, justify and center text

4 Saving & Name a New Document in MS Word –Watch the tutorial which follows, which will walk you through the process of saving and naming a new file. –Use the job aid provided to you to try this for yourself.

5 Your turn! –Now that you have watched the tutorial, launch MS Word and type some text into the window. –Save and name the document to your PC. –Continue by watching the tutorials which follow on adding and formatting text in your document.

6 [This presentation would continue with additional tutorials and examples...]

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