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Project: AGROECOLOGICAL ZONING (ZAE) OIL PALM (DENDÊ) IN DEFORESTED AREAS OF AMZONIAN REGION Demand: Ministry of Science and Technology Coordination: Embrapa.

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Presentation on theme: "Project: AGROECOLOGICAL ZONING (ZAE) OIL PALM (DENDÊ) IN DEFORESTED AREAS OF AMZONIAN REGION Demand: Ministry of Science and Technology Coordination: Embrapa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: AGROECOLOGICAL ZONING (ZAE) OIL PALM (DENDÊ) IN DEFORESTED AREAS OF AMZONIAN REGION Demand: Ministry of Science and Technology Coordination: Embrapa Solos Cooperation: Embrapa Amaz. Ocid.,Orient., Tab. Costeiros, RR, AC, RO; SIPAM-Manaus, MMA/SDS, CEPLAC/CEPEC; SEPLAN- MT; UFPA Expert meeting on biodiversity standards and stratgegies for sustainable cultivation of biomass for non-food production Isle of Vim, Ger;many, 12 – 15 March 2008

2 Project Description 1. Objectives  General: To evaluate and spatialize the land potential for the oil palm as a basis for sustainable land use for biodiesel production, in harmony with biodiversity Strategic: To offer subsides for re-structurating the Brazilian energetic matrix through the bioduel production

3 1. Objectives, cont´d.  Specifics: To offer sustainable economic alternatives for farmers at small or large scale in the region; To offer base for sustainable land use planning in accordance to the law; To provide an territorial ordering in consolidated deforested areas under the ZEE recommendations for the Amazon Region; To offer base for planning the stablished development poles based on socioeconomic studies; To line the AEZ to the public policies about bio-energy production;

4 2. STRATEGIES 2. STRATEGIES -The AEZ has a complementary role by showing the potential of lands located in consolidated deforested areas assigned for development according to the EEZ; this allow do define priority to implement development programmes -Socioeconomic analysis in order to characterize the main farming systems, land tenure structure and infra-structure under the EEZ criteria. - Criterion for cutting out the AEZ study area: environmental vulnerability, - established legal reserves; climate risks and deforested areas; paleo/cultural reasons,– -Characterization of deforested areas mapped by INPE; -Use of database on natural resources provided by SIPAM and use of GIS - Adoption of no-tillage as land management practice, -Participative approach;

5 3. PROJECT OUTREACH: 3. PROJECT OUTREACH:  To assign basis for implementing the oil palm cultivation in deforested areas aligned to other types of zoning in the Amazon region, with the purpose of offering alternative for sustainable development and supporting a policy to refrain the deforestation of new areas – LEGISLATION;

6 4. Methodology  The method for performing the AEZ is based on the interpretation of data of natural resources from the database stored at SIPAM  A set of rules has been established to represent the maximum degrees of the main limiting factors as to climate, soil and matched to the oil palm requirements. This allow to spatialize the territory into Preferential, Regular, Marginal and Not Suitable zones;  The results of the zoning at the scale 1:250,000 is referred to the 1:1000,000 charts stored in a new database;

7 4. Impacts: Invironmental Impacts As a permanent crop, oil palm has high potential to yield a sustainable and ecologically clean production; –prevent from land degradation due to erosion and leaching; –offer high rates of Carbon sequestration; –oil palm is an option to reforest the present deforested areas; –protects agro-biodiversity in the long term; - little dependence on agrochemicals and fertlizer.

8 Impacts, cont´d. Social and Economic Impacts  The AEZ for oil palm production provides to the farmers a sustainable economic alternative for managing their farms – social inclusion;  The implementation of oil palm cultivation offers the a permanent use of local labours, nowadays basically intermittent;  The agro-ecological zoning is a mechanism of agricultural credit access and a reference to agricultural insurance (PROAGRO); The AEZ creates scenarios that includes other important crops to the region as agroforestry intercropping;

9 Economic and social Impacts, cont`d.  The production of diesel from high oil contents perennial crops, specially palm species, represents a social insertion to the region; – the long term character of the activity on the this crop allows to fix the farmers and his family in their production area - this claims for investments; – offer a long term income along the years, during the entire cycle of the crop - this means economic stability and labour optimization;  It’s a sustainable productive activity with real perspectives to small-scale agriculture/family agricultue; – the activity assures for inserting the farmers in cooperatives; – do not compete with crops for food production;

10 6. Prelimary results – project cut outs  Evaluating the climate suitability;  Evaluating Land suitability under two technological levels;  Evaluating the biodiversity richness (MMA-SBF), for priorizing development areas; -Region cut outs to define the project area:  Legal Reserves (Ibama, Funai);  Climate Risks/suitability;  Deforested areas (PRODES-INPE, 2006 )  Cut out of consolidated areas for development by EEZ;  Areas with biodiversity richness (subsidiary information to define priorities areas for development, together with socioeconomic analysis)

11 7. Preliminary results of AEZ 7. Preliminary results of AEZ  1. Map of climate suitability  2. Map of land suitability under technological  level B  3. Map of of land evaluation under technological  level C;  Map of de Agro-ecological Zoning for oil palm – restricted to above mentioned cut outs - through crossing 1X2 and 1X3;

12 Results: Map-specimen of the AEZ



15 Conservation Units in the Legal Amazon. Conservation Units in the Legal Amazon.

16 Priorities areas for Bio-diversity in the LegalAmazon

17  Invertebrates  Aquatic biota  Amphibious Reptiles Birds  Masto-fauna  Botanic  Traditional population  Conservation units  Indigenous land  Ecological functions of forest ecosystems  Socioeconomic aspects Bio-diversity themes (used to establish priority areas)

18 Attributes for biodiversity priority  Biological value  Innate Fragility  Phylogeny diversity  Richness of species  Degree of threat  Economic species  Particular biological phenomena  Richness of species under threat/rare  Hotspots  Conservation degree  Endemism

19 LAND AVAILABILITY Available area 350 Used area for agriculture 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 BRAZILUSARUSSIAUEÍNDIACHINACANADAARGENTINA Source: Guia Exame, 2005

20 Área Plantada (M-ton) Consumo de Fertilizantes (M-ton) Produção de Grãos (M ton) Annual rate 6,0% 7,8% 2,6% 37,0 35,0 37,8 39,5 47,4 48,4 68,3 81,1 78,4 82,4 35,6 39,1 100,3 123,2 119,3 134,0 9,3 11,9 13,7 16,4 19,1 23,0 13,9 10,9 929394959697989900010203 04 Source: ANDA e CONAB GRAIN PRODUCTION, FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION AND CULTIVATED AREA (Yeld 92 to 04)


22 THANK YOU! Antonio Ramalho Embrapa


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