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What kind of impact does bacteria have on the world around you?

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Presentation on theme: "What kind of impact does bacteria have on the world around you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What kind of impact does bacteria have on the world around you?


3 What’s so great about bacteria?
No bacteria = no life =

4 Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
Bacteria consume nitrogen from the air and change it into a form that plants can use to grow. I love to take in nitrogen!

5 Nature’s Recyclers Bacteria breaks down dead organic matter replacing nutrients in the soil.

6 Bioremediation Bacteria used to combat pollution.
The bacteria change the pollutants into harmless chemicals. Ex. Industrial, agricultural, oil spills, etc.

7 How do humans fight bacteria?

8 Antibiotics Are medicines used to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms. Genetically engineered. Ex. Penicillin

9 One of the first antibiotics; comes from a fungus called penicillium.
Penicillin One of the first antibiotics; comes from a fungus called penicillium.

10 Alexander Fleming Scottish 1929
Discovered penicillium on agar plates but could not purify it.

11 Florey and Chain British Scientists 1939-1945 WWII
Developed penicillin on an industrial scale for the public. Won the Nobel Peace Prize with Fleming.

12 How does penicillin kill bacteria?
The bacteria lengthen, but cannot divide. Eventually the weak cell wall ruptures

13 Other benefits of bacteria…
Insulin Engineered bacteria that produce insulin for diabetes. Scientists put genes carrying genetic code for human insulin into E. coli. The bacteria makes human insulin. Food Cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, and sour cream are created by lactic-acid bacteria. The bacteria digest mild sugar lactose and converts it into lactic acid. (Which preserves and adds flavor)

14 Using the Essential Question for this lesson, write or bullet the answer.

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