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1800 working age benefit claimants, therefore circa 900 Understand the barriers faced by this cohort of people Explore ways of overcoming these barriers.

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Presentation on theme: "1800 working age benefit claimants, therefore circa 900 Understand the barriers faced by this cohort of people Explore ways of overcoming these barriers."— Presentation transcript:

1 1800 working age benefit claimants, therefore circa 900 Understand the barriers faced by this cohort of people Explore ways of overcoming these barriers 52.8% and rising DIGITAL INCLUSION GET 50% 0F OUR WORKING AGE CLAIMANTS USING A DIGITAL SERVICE

2 ACTIVITY TO DATE  Customer Insight – Deep Understanding of Working Age benefits claimants  Mosaic Public Sector analysis  Joint Survey with JCP of JSA Claimants  Focus groups  Development of new services  New Council Tax Support Scheme – On Line Review  Council Tax Support - digital by default service  Customer testing  Communication  Targeted campaigns  Website Improvements  Results analysis

3 Customer Insight - Focus Group exercise

4 Customer Insight - Focus Group – Customer comments The process needs to be right Needs a big awareness campaign emphasizing security Make IT courses “relevant to their life” – courses are dry and could be seen condescending as most already know basics They will only transact online when they are ready to Bartering system with people who have computers to lend?

5 What makes something “cool” for them Quality of the service – including their accessibility and modern What they do – is it “relevant to my life” The underlying values of the organisation What do they access (middle third) 3 of 5 bank on-line All but one do some shopping All but one do some social networking Barriers End to end process not right Nervous that might get it wrong Security – don’t trust the sector with technology Preference (literacy or computer literacy) Can’t ask for help when online No access (either cost or location) Customer Insight - Focus Group - Summary

6 6

7 First online test – CTS Review Results

8 Completion with no supportCompletion with support Completion with no supportCompletion with support Cohort 185%15% Cohort 272%28% Cohort 360%40%

9 Customers needing assistance Total Number of People: Cohort 1 – 85 Cohort 2 – 128 Cohort 3 – 106 Other – 30 First online test – CTS Review Results

10 First online test – Additional Learning 26% of customers attempted the review process through a mobile device Top 3 Devices Apple iPad Apple iPhone Samsung GT

11 What our customers said “Does not think that MBC / Gov should be forcing people to use computers, not everyone has one or is computer literate. Regardless of the amount of help given, it is losing the personal touch.” “Does not want to complete the review as she does not know how to even turn a computer on let alone get an email address and register online. Does not think it is fair that people who are not computer literate should be made to use online services when they do not feel comfortable doing this. Also is disabled and, therefore, would struggle to sit at a computer and operate it properly.” “Only receives a small amount of benefit and has had to supply so much information in the past already.” “Never used a computer and don't intend to start.” “Has medical condition so unable to use a computer as makes them feel ill.” “Full time carer for 8 year old son with medical condition along with two other young children, wife works to help support the family. He and his wife do not have the time or the energy to deal with anything else as their situation is never likely to change (he will never be going back to work) as his son is unlikely to get any better. He prefers to speak to a human being who can understand his situation and answer questions that may arise as he goes along. He says if this becomes fully mandatory then he will ignore all letters and let us chase him as he hasn’t physically got the time to leave his son to spend the time contacting us.” First online test – Additional Learning

12 What our customers felt Unsure about this as have already taken computing course. Cannot afford Internet and am at a distance from library. I'm not IT literate. its simple and easy Everything was easy. Well set out. Visiting a council office was required when the council tax was reviewed and again when moving - what's the point of going online when you still have to attend in person. Make it all online or do not make it a requirement I am EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE about being FORCED to us online services which may be COMPROMISED. These days 'The internet' is NOT something I want to use. I prefer to speak to a person as it gives me more confidence. The leaflets that came with my letter gave very simple easy to understand steps on how to complete. I didn't find anything difficult. First online test – CTS Review Results

13 Diversify our e-services with the implementation of online new claims, changes of circumstances and Revenues services Enhance accessibility through using different forms package and personalising our digital services to the individual customer – Me and My account Improve sustainable cost effective digital accessibility through exploring more community based projects Improve the usability of our digital services through developing our new CMS system which is more mobile device orientated and which will enable us to create a process that can be thoroughly tracked through Google analytics Summary – What’s next

14 Thank you for listening, any questions?

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