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Developing people, improving young lives Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system Diocese of Blackburn: succession.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing people, improving young lives Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system Diocese of Blackburn: succession."— Presentation transcript:

1 developing people, improving young lives Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system Diocese of Blackburn: succession planning conference 9 th November 2009

2 Why are we here? Introductions around your tables Name School/role What brings you here today? Be prepared to share your interest in succession planning

3 Objectives for the day Understanding the current national picture and our response Picturing the future: the 21 st century school and an integrated workforce Grasping the local context and action planning

4 Agenda Welcome and introductions The current situation: view from the National College The 21 st Century school: the TDA’s perspective Your school’s focus/ plans: the Diocesan overview

5 Raising standards Narrowing the achievement gap Well-being Community cohesion TDA’s role in … … the 21st century school Raising standards Extended services Workforce modernisation Managing change

6 TDA strategic aims

7 TDA in partnership

8 21 st Century Schools white paper aims: Excellent teaching in every school and the extra help each child needs Every school working in partnerships Strong accountability and rapid intervention when needed The right roles for local and central government A well-led, highly skilled workforce

9 The school workforce

10 Quality and diversity of the school workforce Leadership development, collaboration and federation Redefine teachers’ and headteachers’ core responsibilities Masters in teaching and learning CPD entitlement Different routes into teaching Negotiating council for support staff School Business Manager role Skills strategy (including revised NOS) Audit of school needs Recruitment Induction Development Career progression

11 Priorities for the school workforce Recruitment, selection and ITT CPD culture and entitlements Broaden range of schools workforce, improve training Support governors and strengthen school governance Selection and training of the best graduates as teachers Masters in Teaching and Learning Renewable ‘Licence to Teach’ Support staff development, pay and conditions Wider range of skilled professionals in the workforce Resources to support professional development Routes into teaching Ensure workload and standards reflect the demands of the 21st century school

12 Priorities for the wider children’s workforce Effective development and deployment: All staff - Level 3 qualification Co ‑ ordinated system of early intervention, linked to other professionals School Business Managers Extended Schools Coordinators Higher Level Teaching Assistants Improve quality and status of whole school workforce

13 Parent and Pupil Guarantees

14 The Parent Guarantee Extended services including support and advice on parenting High-quality information and advice on the career and subject choices (Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy) Parent’s views on quality of schools sought by local authorities School Report Card Home School Agreement Personal Tutor (secondary) Online and other information about catch-up support and children’s progress Extra challenge and support for gifted and talented children

15 The Pupil Guarantee Behaviour, school performance and improvement One-to-one tuition in English or mathematics Small group tuition Personal Tutor (secondary) Additional needs linked to health and other specialist services identified: swift and easy access to support Tailored curriculum 14-19 choices Education or training up to the age of 17 (from 2013) and up to the age of 18 (from 2015) Childcare (primary) High-quality activities in school and out of school hours

16 Partnership working

17 Promoting partnership working Because no school can do it alone: Legislate to clarify schools’ responsibilities for children in their area as well as those on their own roll Reduce barriers to schools and other partners pooling funds and resources to achieve better value for money Support multi-agency teams in schools Bring schools and wider services together in Children’s Trusts Ofsted’s revised grade for partnership

18 Accountability and intervention

19 Reformed role for ‘School Improvement Partner’ (SIP) SIPs to sign off improvement plans and the use of the School Development Grant SIP training and quality assurance School Report Card Professional judgement of schools through Ofsted inspection Empower individual schools:  DCSF cease funding school improvement support  quality-assured improvement support  TDA’s CPD database and NCSL’s accreditation of course providers

20 Accountability mechanisms

21 A framework for early intervention

22 Central and local government roles

23 Central government: o Drive improvement Local authority/Children’s Trust: o Strengthen commissioning o Address poor performance o Seek and take account of parent’s views Local authorities: o Drive school improvement o Promote schools’ compliance o Intervene quickly to get school performance back on track Governance: o Strengthened model

24 The challenge Provide a more personalised approach for each child and young person Deliver a wider offer Meet additional needs Contribute to school improvement Maximise the impact of the best leaders and governors Share effective practice and professional development Make the best use of resources Ensure greater collective accountability for outcomes

25 The challenge for the 21 st century church school How will a 21 st century church school be distinctive?

26 Activity In groups of 4: Picture the future Identify the challenges. Prepare a presentation in whatever format you like that envisions a 21 st century church school

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