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Developing resources for parents and delivering SRE in community based settings guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing resources for parents and delivering SRE in community based settings guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing resources for parents and delivering SRE in community based settings guidance

2 Sexual Health And Wellbeing Action Plan For Wales 2010-2015 This Action Plan will build a broad base and integrated approach covering both the promotion of positive sexual health and wellbeing and the delivery of sexual health services: developing a culture to support sexual health and wellbeing; better prevention; delivering modern sexual health services; and strengthening health intelligence and research

3  Develop downloadable resources to support parents in the delivery of sex education  Develop guidance for delivering SRE in community based settings

4 Why FPA?  FPA (Family Planning Association) is a leading UK sexual health charity. It provides straightforward information, advice and support to all people across the UK on all aspects of sexual health, sex and relationships  FPA has established projects and developed guidance and resources for parents and SRE in community based settings throughout its existence: Speakeasy, Beyond Barbie, The Boys are Aw’right, and Jiwsi

5 Speakeasy  FPA Speakeasy gives parents and carers confidence to talk about growing up, sex and relationships with their children  Speakeasy courses available for parents, carers and the staff that work with them and their families  Speakeasy book published in 2009, available via FPA or Amazon  Over 15,000 mums and dads have completed the Speakeasy course in the last ten years

6 Resources for parents  12 advice sheets  Based on FPA’s Speakeasy programme and book  Bi-lingual  Appropriate advice for different age groupings


8 Parent advice sheets



11 Jiwsi  Community based SRE project  Works with groups of vulnerable young people under 25 years old in North Wales  Over ten years experience  Also trains and supports SRE practitioners and runs the Jiwsi Network  Jiwsi; a pick ‘n’ mix of SRE activities published in 2007, available as free download from FPA website

12 Developing community based SRE guidance  To make a comprehensive guide formed from the existing knowledge base, incorporating aspects of current community based SRE resources and other relevant work, such as FPA’s Core competencies in sexual health for youth workers training course,  Key content requirements; an overview of the policy and legal context in Wales, advice on how SRE programmes should be developed, engagement with young people in the development of community-based projects and anecdotal examples from the field.  The main vision for the guidance was that it should be a reference point for services to develop and maintain their community-based SRE programmes, and also provide a personal reference point for an individual’s career development, through matching content to the core competencies.


14 Contents of Guidance  Section one – Introduction  Section two – Policy, law and other guidance  Section three – The practitioner  Section four – Developing and delivering sex and relationships education  Section five - And finally…



17 Available from:

18 For more information Adam Jones All Wales Sexual Health Network Co-ordinator Mel Gadd Project Jiwsi Co-ordinator

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