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Activator  Individual:  Read excerpts from Document A, President Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality (August 19, 1914).  Pairs, T&T:  Discuss and record.

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Presentation on theme: "Activator  Individual:  Read excerpts from Document A, President Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality (August 19, 1914).  Pairs, T&T:  Discuss and record."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activator  Individual:  Read excerpts from Document A, President Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality (August 19, 1914).  Pairs, T&T:  Discuss and record answers to questions 1-3.  Class :  Check for understanding. 10 min.


3 Neutrality  George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) warned the United States to avoid “entangling” political alliances with European nation-states.  At the same time, Washington advocated for continuing and strengthening economic relationships.  Tension: Is it impossible to maintain political neutrality while remaining economically engaged? 3 min.

4 Tests to Neutrality  T&T: What made it difficult for the United States to maintain its neutrality?  Doc B. Internal/domestic opposition politics: U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan’s pacifism.  Doc C. British interference with U.S. Merchant Ships, Dec. 26, 1914.  Doc D. German sinking of the Lusitania, May 7, 1915.  Doc E. German sinking of the Sussex, April 19, 1916.  Doc F. The Zimmerman Telegram, January 19, 1917.  Doc G. Unlimited Submarine Warfare, February 1, 1917.  Doc H. Wilson’s “Peace Without Victory” address to the U.S. Senate, January 22, 1917 20 min.

5 Was U.S. Engagement Inevitable?  Economic entanglements (Doc C)  German aggression: Lusitania (D), Sussex Pledge (E), resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare (G)  Zimmerman telegram (F)  Idealism : Opportunity to shape a post-war world by spreading American principles of freedom, equality of rights, self-determination (H).  Realism : Opportunity to capitalize on a redrawn world map by exploiting weak countries for natural resources and by asserting global power (George Kennan, Henry Kissinger writing in the 1950’s – 1970’s). 5 min.

6 Processing (Homework)  Essay:  Why did the United States abandon its neutrality and declare war on Germany in 1917? Was Wilsonian neutrality impossible to maintain in World War I?  Five paragraphs that address at least three reasons why U.S. neutrality was im/possible to maintain (plus Into/Conclusion)  Incorporate documents A-G  Claim, Evidence, Analysis  Push analysis by answering the questions, “So what? Why is this historically significant? How does this support my claim and directly answer the prompt?”  Due W, 2/26. No late entries will be accepted.

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