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Process Management System Economical Automation with Standard Software

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1 Process Management System Economical Automation with Standard Software

2 Overview of Process Management System
PM-CONTROL PM- CONTROL PM-QUALITY PM- MAINT Recipe/Product Data Management, Job Control for industrial process and production plants The intelligent Maintenance Management System PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT Maintenance Diagnostics Production - Quality PM-OPEN Analysis of Alarm and Process Data (error message statistics, downtime frequency, analysis of weak points) PM- QUALITY PM- ANALYZE § TCP/IP Job/Batch-Oriented Archiving and Reporting for process data, alarms and laboratory data § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT Communication solutions (online computer link, exporting process data, alarms and archive data, connection to PI and SAP R/3) PM- OPEN System integration

3 Standard Products - The Key to Success
PM-CONTROL Use of standard software No development or updating costs Safe investment Immediate availability Can be customized Products can be integrated in WinCC / WinCC flexible / PCS7 Tested functionality Minimum training and/or engineering time Excellent cost-effectiveness Perfect Support PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT

4 PM-OPEN EXPORT PM- OPEN EXPORT Export of process data
PM-CONTROL Export of process data Export of process and archive data in text files Flexible, individual layout of target file Export to any storage medium (local / network) Dynamic generation of file names PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE Tag Logging Alarm Graphics PM-MAINT PM- OPEN EXPORT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT

5 New Features V 7 Support of WinCC Version 7 Support of Windows Vista
PM-CONTROL PM-QUALITY Support of WinCC Version 7 Support of Windows Vista Export of new message blocks Export of the last value by using the export type „Process value archive – table” Data cache for User Archive data Dynamic selection of a period with PM-OPEN EXPORT ActiveX Increasing the performance by exporting message data PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

6 Support of WinCC Version 7
PM-CONTROL PM-QUALITY PM-OPEN EXPORT V7 is released for WinCC V7 PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

7 Support of Windows Vista
PM-CONTROL PM-QUALITY PM-OPEN EXPORT V7 is released for Windows Vista Ultimate Edition Enterprise Edition Business Edition PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

8 Export of new message blocks
PM-CONTROL PM-QUALITY Export of new message blocks Tag User Computer name Priority Flag PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

9 Export of the last value by using the export type „Process value archive – table”
PM-CONTROL Choice, if the last value or a substitute value should be exported by using the export type „Process value archive – table“ PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN If it is not possible to determine a archive value in the chosen time period by using the export type „Process value archive - table“ the last value or an engineered substitute value will be used. § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

10 Data cache for User Archive data
PM-CONTROL Data cache for User Archive data to increase the performance PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN While exporting User Archive Data it is possible to chose if information's like the data type and the size of the User Archive column should by temporary saved to increasing the performance during the export. After restart the PM-OPEN EXPORT Runtime the values will determine new. § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

11 Dynamic selection of a period with PM-OPEN EXPORT ActiveX
PM-CONTROL With the PM-OPEN EXPORT „DateTimePicker“ ActiveX it is quite easy to set the period of time for the export during the runtime.. PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN § TCP/IP § EXPORT § IMPORT § PI § HOSTS/S CONTACT PM-QUALITY umfasst das Erfassen der Werte, das Anzeigen der Daten, das Protokollieren der Daten und die Langzeitarchivierung. 2

12 Process Management System
PM-CONTROL For further information, please visit us at: Internet: Tel: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE PM-MAINT PM-OPEN CONTACT

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